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March 10, 2012



Origin:Man was created by God in His image. Man’s purpose is “to know God and enjoy him forever.” Man was created in perfect fellowship and harmony with God, but then he sinned against God in the Garden of Eden. All the pain, all the evil, all the suffering in the world can be traced back to that original act of rebellion, which is commonly called the “fall” of man.


Nature:Man has a spiritual as well as physical dimension. Man’s earthly physical body is destined to die. The moment he is born. The process is set in motion to die. His spirit however, lives forever, and transcends his physical limitations. After man dies. He receives a new body which lives forever.


Depravity:Man is unable to make him self acceptable to God. The depravity of man does not suggest that he is in capable of doing good. Or even that he is as bad as he could be. Rather, it means that man is unable to make him self acceptable to God. Man’s inherent nature is flawed. And while he is capable of dong good on one hand, he is incapable of completely avoiding wrong on the other. God demands perfection, and since man is born imperfect. Even a single flaw disqualifies him from entering in to relationships with God.


Destiny:Man will live forever in heaven or hell. Thought man’s spirit inhabits a body at all times, that body changes after death on earth. A new body is received. Depending on his destiny, in which he will continue to live forever. Destiny in hell is portrayed as agonizing torment, though little is known of the specifics of that torment. Existence in heaven is pictured in greater detail, though we still might wish for more details the heavenly body is beautiful; beyond imagination, exceedingly powerful, and not subject to time and space limitations. The citizen of heaven will rule precincts of the celestial realm, and will possess power, wisdom, and unbounded creativity. Greater attention will be given to man’s destiny later in this chapter and in the chapter on future Things.




Basis:Salvation is a gift which God gives to those who believe. We cannot earn out salvation, we are imperfect, and we cannot make our salvers perfect. Yet God demands perfection. Therefore, all we can not do is cast ourselves on God’s mercy in his mercy God offers to forgive our sin and give us a new nature of holiness so that we can be in perfect relationship with him. The completion of that relationship is not realized is not realized until we die, and we shed the: body of sin” in which we live. God’s offer has one condition: that we believe in and receive Jesus as our savior.


Result:God extends forgiveness of sin and eternal life to those who accept him. God’s solution to man’s inherent dilemma is to offer him forgiveness of his sins, and to give him a new nature that is not flawed. Man still languishes under the impact of sin until his flawed body dies, and he receives a new body. Then he is free to serve God forever in heaven in undiluted righteousness.

Cost:the penalty of sin is paid for by the substitution death of Christ. Sin brings death since all have sinned, all have died, spiritually, and are separated from God Jesus was without sin, and willingly died, with the understanding that his death could count as a substitution for our own. If you believe in Jesus, and receive him as your personal savior, God will then count his death for yours, and give you eternal life.


Timing:Our salvation is completed at the death of the body. Man is body and spirit. Upon becoming a Christian a person’s spirit is born again and he is given eternal life. His body at that point remains unchanged it is corrupted by sin, in susceptible to disease and death and inclined to sin. The brain which is part of the physical body is still encumbered with old programming which is counter to Biblical truth. Because of this the Christian experiences continuous struggle between the new inner man who wishes to serve God, and the outer man, which fells the pull to sin (see Romans 7). This conflict continues until the death of the body, at which time the spirit of the Christian is transported immediately to heaven to receive a new body untouched by sin (Romans 8:23).


Fortunately, until our salvation is completed with “the redemption of the body” when we sin after having become a Christian. “We have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous.” “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  God does not want us to sin. But he recognizes that as long as we are in this body, we will. When we do he cleanse us the death of Christ on the cross was sufficient for all our sins, past and future. God is continuously working in our lives however, to lead us to a more righteous lifestyle if we resist this work of God he chastens us as any loving father would a child, to correct inappropriate behavior, (see 1 John 2:1, 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 12:3-4)




Return:Jesus will return to earth again. Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, buried, and resurrected about A.D.30 he ascended into heaven where he has remained for the last 2,012 years. At some time in the future and from prophetic information it could be at any time he will return to earth when he does it will not be as a carpenter’s son, but in power and glory, revealing his true cosmic sovereignty. During his first visit to earth, he came as a servant with an emphasis on his humanity. During his second visit to earth, he will come as a king emphasizing his deity.


Judgments:God will confirm the eternal destiny of all individuals. At two different times and places, God will conduct audiences with all humanity to confirm our eternal destiny those who believe in Jesus and received him will then be confirmed to eternity in heaven with him those who did not believe in him and receive him will be confirmed to eternal separation from him in hell.


Universe:the old universe will be destroyed and replaced with an new one. The present universe was flawed with sin at the time of the “fall” of man. While much of nature is beautiful, much of it is also destructive and uninhabitable. The universe will be destroyed with an apocalyptic cosmic fire, and replaced with a new universe and a new earth which will have no harmful features. (See 2 peter 3:12-13; Revelation 21:4)


Eternity: Christians will live with God forever. Jesus will reign in absolute righteousness. Only goodness and beauty will exist, believers will rule with him forever as vice-regents. They will govern angelic beings they will be beings of beauty and power who will participate in glorious celestial ceremonies. Believers themselves will receive much personal glory, by the grace and goodness of God as well as spend generous time worshiping and praising God. Intellect beauty power and talent will be virtually limitless as believers both serve Jesus the king and rule with him in a world which progressively glorifies good and brings great joy and individual satisfaction.      




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Did you know?


How many books are in the Bible?

The Bible contains 66 books written by 44 authors over a period of about 1500 years, divided between: 39 books of the Old Testament (Were written between 140 and 400 BC.)

 And Testament 27 books of the New Testament.

 (Written between AD 50 and 100.)

The entire Bible divided into chapters and verses first appeared in the Geneva Bible of 1560.

How many chapters contained in the Bible?

The Bible has 1,189 chapters.

How many Bible verses contain?

The Bible has 31.103 verses.

How many letters and words contained in the Bible?

 The Bible Contains: 3,566,480 lyrics, and 773.693 words

What is in the middle verse of the Bible?

Verse 8, from Psalm 118.

What is the longest name that is abut in the Bible?

It is found in Chapter 8 of the Book of Isaiah 8:1 and Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.

Verses like different books:

Chapter 37 of the Book of Isaiah and 2 Kings 19 is similar.

It contains most of the alphabet:

In verse 21 of chapter 7 of Ezra is almost the whole alphabet.

The finest piece of reading:

Is chapter 26 of the book of Acts?

What does “Testament"?

Testament means "covenant" or "contract."

Who wrote the Bible?

The Bible was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by over 40 different authors from all walks of life: shepherds, farmers, manufacturer’s tents, physicians, fishermen, priests, philosophers and kings. Despite these differences in occupations and the staggering number of years it took to complete it, the Bible is extremely cohesive and unified in purpose and background.

What author contributed the most books to the Old Testament?

Moses. He wrote the first five books of the Bible, called the Pentateuch, which form the foundation of the Bible.

What books author contributed more to the New Testament?

The Apostle Paul, who wrote 14 books (more than half) of the New Testament.

When the Bible was written?

It was written in a period of about 1,500 years, from around 1450 BC. C. (The time of Moses) to about 100 d. C. (Following the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).

What is the oldest book in the Old Testament?

Many scholars agree that Job is the oldest book in the Bible, written by an unknown Israelite about 1500 BC. C.

What is the latest book of the Old Testament?

The book of Malachi, written about 400 a. C.

What is the oldest book of the New Testament?

Probably the book of James, written about 45 d. C.

What is the latest book of the New Testament?

Revelation is the youngest book in the New Testament, written about 95 d. C. by the Apostle John.

What languages ?? was the Bible written?

The Bible was written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

When was the Bible canonized?

The entire New Testament as we know it today, was canonized before the year 375 d. C. The Old Testament had previously canonized long before the advent of Christ.

What does "canonize"?

"Canonize or canon" is derived from the Greek word "Kanon," which means "yardstick". For a book to be "canonized", it had to pass the test standard or authority and divine inspiration. These books became the collection of books or "scriptures" accepted by the apostles and the early church leadership as a basis for Christian belief.

When the Bible was printed?

The Bible was printed in 1454 d. C. by Johannes Gutenberg who invented the guys who later became the press. The Bible was the first book ever printed!

So far, what is the most complete manuscript and oldest Bible in existence?

The "Codex Vaticanus" dating from the first half of the fourth century. It is in the Vatican Library in Rome. However, there are older fragments of the Bible that are still preserved - the oldest is a tiny piece of the Gospel of John was found in Egypt, in the early second century. (It is currently in the Rylands Library in Manchester, England).

What is the longest book in the Bible?

The book of Psalms and contains 150 chapters.

What is the shortest book of the Bible?

2nd of Juan. Just one chapter and 13 verses.

What is the longest chapter in the Bible?

Psalm 119 and has 176 verses.

What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?

Psalm 117 and only has 2 verses.

What is the longest verse in the Bible?

Esther 8:9.

What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

John 11:35.

What book in the Bible does not mention the word "God?"

The book of Esther.

Who was the oldest man who ever lived mentioned in the Bible?

Methuselah, who lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27).

Who were the two men in the Bible who never died?

Enoch, who walked with God and one day God took him to heaven (Genesis 5:22-24). And Elijah who was taken up by floats by fire (2 Kings 2:11).

Who does the Bible say was the meekest man (except Jesus)?

Moses (Numbers 12:3).

How many languages??Has translated the Bible?

The Holy Bible has been translated into over 2,018 languages, with countless partial translations, and audio translations (for unwritten languages). (This is an enormous amount of translations. Comparison, Shakespeare, considered by many to be the greatest writer in the English language promisor, has resulted in only 50 languages.)

Is the Bible still the best-selling book in the world?

Yes, and still is, hallelujah!