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Marni's World

View all entries from Marni's World >


United States

October 31, 2009

One of the things I love about being an English, baby! cast member is how much I learn from my fellow cast members.  At our most recent shoot, we discussed the beauty of fall and I learned of the term "leaf peeping." I thought it was some new dirty term for voyeurism, but as it turns out, I am a leaf peeper. Leaf peeping is the act of traveling to see fall leaves changing color.

Now, I have been thinking a lot about this since that fall is in full swing here in the US. I love the change of seasons and am usually fully aware of the first signs of fall. This year, however, fall sneaked up on me. That is to say, I have been so busy I hadn't even noticed that all the leaves changed colors. This worries me. Leaf peeping is one of the simplest and easiest ways one can still interact with nature. It is a time to behold the wonder of nature. I, like many people, have been so caught up in my daily life that I hadn't even noticed this phenomenon-taking place. It was as if someone turned a switch this year and all of a sudden everything was orange, yellow, and red instead of green. Am I really so detached from what is going on outside my door that something as obvious as the change of seasons has alluded me this year?

Due to this recent revelation, I have made a vow to embrace my inner leaf peeper.  I plan to actively go out to a remote area, which isn't hard to do here in Portland, and take the time to observe the beauty of fall. I have decided I will make it an annual event much like we did as a family growing up in New England where the changing of the leaves is practically an industry since so many tourists come to see the beautiful trees.. I will take a day to go out and enjoy the wonders that nature provides because it is a remarkable occurrence and one that is worth peeping at.

More entries: Yet Another Athlete in the Headlines (5), Major Life Change (4), Oh a Camping I will Go! (7), Be Careful What You Say When It Comes to That Special Day (12), A Weekend Wasted!! (8), A New Year, A Not So New Me (5), Thoughts on the "Occupy" Movement (7), Heartbreak and Forgiveness (3), Advice on Your Wedding Day (5), The Death of Osama Bin Laden (3)

View all entries from Marni's World >

01:42 AM Dec 14 2009



We must see the real meaning of "peeping" changing color of the leaves and the seasons, shows us the the life of humanbeing is the same, as the leave falls down in fall time, it re-greens in spring time that means as we will be dying we will be re-created in the other world, it is a good example of learning lessons from it.

12:33 PM Nov 22 2009



I love fall too when yellow and red lifes on tress, sunny days, walking by the parks. However its other side of fall - outside all is grey as in black-and-white cinema, humid touch you through the coat, seems that sun go far away from your place and back just in spring... so you feeling some depression and want snuggle up the cover... :)

06:53 AM Nov 20 2009


Thank you for your gorgeous writing. I've made several notes for myself to use these English expressions.It would be a pleasure to read about your Thanksgiving celebration. Best wishes.

01:13 AM Nov 15 2009



My queen...

O my sweet dear queen...

to you i am writing...

my pen penning my feelings to you...

trying to let you know how much i miss you...

my queen...

wish you know,how much feelings i hold inside...

wish you feel my honest love which i keep into my heart...

wish you know ,how i feel just when i see you...

O my queen...

wish you know...

no one lived into my hearts` land...

no one has a rights to think about...

no one lived into my dreams...

no one shared me my loneliness...

no one touched the sensitive part into my heart... 

only you...

the only one who owned the mind and the heart...

owned my heart...

and become my queen...

O my queen...

sweet lovely queen...

please come be more close to me...

come and look into my eyes...

come and see the frame into my eyes...

its your picture into that frame...

drew into there from a long age...

and written around your picture...

i love you...

O my queen...

to you i am writing a meanings embodied by my soul...

and written through my breathes...

and sent to you through my longings` breeze...

chose you and called you...

to house forever your heart...

my sweet lovely queen...

my beautiful amazing tune...

and the address to my life...

you are my world which i always dive in...

from my missing seas...

sending you my perfumed warm lovely longings...

reminding you...

about this love...

about your lover...

that lover who holds you always into his heart...

dears lovely readers...

did you know now,who is my queen...

who is my sweetheart...

tomorrow or after tomorrow...

she will talk by herself to you all...

to tell you about her lover...

about me...

by: hazem02@yahoo.com


please feel free to read and to leave your comment and to rate my poem through my link above..


hazem al...

12:01 PM Nov 14 2009



I love to see the beautiful trees, i love the change of seasons, I like to see fall leaves changing color. How wonderful the world can be! But situation of planet is close to a serious ecological disaster. Some action has to be taken because either we stop killing the Earth or we will kill ourselver.

08:28 AM Nov 12 2009


Oh this actually reminds me that I had a similar feeling about how did the seasons pass by me.

Having been busy for so long a time, I really need some time to be out of all kinds of those mess.  Thanks again.

06:17 AM Nov 12 2009




05:20 AM Nov 12 2009



well, back here in Ghana it's something i have enjoyed from my infancy. i have beautiful trees planted all over my house, so i see them every season. just that it's a lot of work when the fallen leaves get plenty.

03:18 AM Nov 12 2009


Fall is very beautifull season. Fortunately I work near a park and I can walk a littele during my lunch break

02:59 AM Nov 06 2009



Hey marni. you are doing good job. go ahead.