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Signature Songs
Signature Songs

Learn about the Past Perfect Tense

Date: Mar 05 2012

Themes: Music

Grammar: Past Perfect Tense


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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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Even though an artist may have many hits throughout their career, they are often remembered for one signature song. A signature song is the song that always comes to mind when you hear the artist’s name.

In fact, you can put the word “signature” in front of anything that truly defines the person who did it. For instance, Michael Jordan’s signature dunk is now the logo of his brand of shoes. And in soccer, people always think of Pele anytime someone does his signature bicycle kick.

Whitney Houston was one of the bestselling musicians in history. She won dozens of awards for many different songs before her recent and tragic death at the age of 48. Listen to Marni and Amy talk about signature songs and which of Whitney’s hits she will be remembered for.

实际上,你可以把“成名”这个词放在真正定义做这件事的人的任何内容之前。例如,迈克尔·乔丹 (Michael Jordan) 的灌篮形象现在成为了乔丹品牌鞋类的标志。在足球方面,人们一想到贝利 (Pele),就会想到他经典的倒勾动作。
惠特尼·休斯顿 (Whitney Houston) 是历史上最卖座的音乐家之一。令人心痛的是,她在最近去世,享年48岁。在此之前,她的歌曲曾获得无数奖项。听听玛尼和艾米谈论成名曲以及惠特尼的哪首歌曲将被人们铭记。


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Marni:  Pretty tragic about Whitney Houston dying, don’t you think?

Amy:  It is. She’s sort of an iconic figure from my formative years.

Marni:  Definitely had an amazing voice. That song, “I Will Always Love You,” she really…hitting those high notes, I mean, she was pretty amazing.

Amy:  I have to say, a lot of radio stations and stuff were playing that song after she died, and I just…I heard it, and I hadn’t heard it in a long time, and it gave me goosebumps. Like, I think that song is going to stand the test of time.

Marni:  Oh, interesting.

Amy:  I think it’s a signature song.

Marni:  I would agree with you on that. I think it’s definitely a signature song. Do you think that signature songs are really, like, key for artists to be successful? Like having that one song that people always associate them with?

Amy:  I think so, yeah. Because then when you hear that song you always think of that artist. Or when you think of that artist you always think of that song. So it’s kind of like having a recognizable brand, or having a really great jingle if you’re a company. It’s like that one thing that you’re always remembered for.

Marni:  Right. It kind of helps that artist and that song sort of stand the test of time.

Amy:  The one thing is, though, what if your signature song, like the one song that you’re remembered for, was a bad song?

Marni:  You know, that’s a good point. I always think of Nirvana, because I loved Nirvana. But the one song that really broke them and made them huge was “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” which I think is one of their weakest songs. It’s not one of my favorites. So I think people associate them with that song, but their other work is much stronger.

Amy:  Well, at least neither Nirvana nor Whitney Houston were one hit wonders, where their signature song was their only popular song.

Marni:  So true.


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Marni and Amy talk about Whitney Houston, who recently passed away. Amy says that Whitney was an iconic figure. She thinks that Whitney’s signature song, “I Will Always Love You,” will stand the test of time.

Marni wonders if it is important for artists to have a signature song. Amy thinks that having a signature song is like having a memorable jingle or brand. It helps people remember the artist.

One negative aspect of having a signature song, according to Marni, is that an artist’s signature song might not be their best song. So the artist might be remembered for something that isn’t actually their greatest work. But that’s still better than being a one hit wonder.

Can you think of other artists with a signature song? Which artists of today do you think will stand the test of time?



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I think Billie Jean by Michael Jackson is a signature song too Laughing

02:47 PM Mar 05 2012 |




Celine DIon love you very much, Bruno Mars, Michael Jackson.

I think Adele will surely take place , she will :D

02:38 PM Mar 05 2012 |




I left my heart in San Francisco  by Tony Bennet.  Whenever I  replay  this song ,sweet memories  of this magic city  flash back  in my mind  and a longing  to visit it again  .   

02:30 PM Mar 05 2012 |



Michael Jackson: Thriller!!!!

01:35 PM Mar 05 2012 |



Michael Jackson: beat it

12:05 PM Mar 05 2012 |




Celine Dion My heart will go on.

11:56 AM Mar 05 2012 |




Dido ’s thank you.

10:57 AM Mar 05 2012 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Michel jakson,Heal the world i like it,I think its signature song for him because he described himself with this song.

08:22 AM Mar 05 2012 |

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Mariah carey,Hero.Do u like it?Laughing

03:33 AM Mar 05 2012 |

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