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A Short story

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November 21, 2009

The word ‘religion’ is egoistic. The religions of the world are based on dogmas or systems of doctrine proclaimed by a church, or some religious body.
Hinduism is a foreign word to describe the followers of ‘Sanatan Dharma’.
There is no word like ‘religion’ in Sanskrit. The word is Dharma. 
There is no word like Hinduism in Sanskrit. The word is Sanatan Dharma. 
Sanatan means eternal, perpetual. 
Dharma means righteous course of conduct or duty.

Sanatan Dharma is true spiritualism based on ideals and principles, which are highly beneficial to humanity. The Bhagavad Gita teaches just those laws and principle that govern human life. These laws and principle require no patron like Pope or defenders like crusaders. Even without the aid of propagators these principle ever propagate themselves in the scheme of nature. That is why Sanatan temples do not have pulpits, preachers, and missionaries to preach and proselytize. Neither do they run Sunday schools, madrasas, and Vatican like organizations to constantly preach, sermonize, brainwash, buy, force, and cajole the innocent god fearing people to accept particular dogma/doctrine as the requirement to win a place in paradise with God approved by that particular doctrine or dogma.

Santan Dharma does not have words like ‘heathens or kaffirs’ to describe the people of other faiths who do not acknowledge the God of  Christianity, or Islam. These two words with self-righteousness and massive inflated egos have destroyed many cultures and true spiritualism all over the world. 

The Sanatan Dharma does not sermonize, lecture or moralize but gently guide us to be free of egoism and encourages us to accept all the ‘true religions’ of the world as equal because according to Sanatan Dharma all the ‘true’ paths (religions) lead to truth (god).

Sanatan Dharma is truly democratic, tolerant, and secular philosophy. That is why the followers of Sanatan Dharma welcomed, accepted, and tolerated missionaries from other religions. But unfortunately the colonials, foreign missionaries of certain dogmas, communists, communist historians, pseudo secularists and some opportunist politicians over the years have taken advantage of the secular nature of the Sanatan Dharma. They have blatantly lied, cheated, manipulated, humiliated, demean, decry, put down, and belittle the true nature of our Dharma and history for their dark ulterior motives. They not only succeeded in brain washing and dividing the unsuspecting people of India but also the whole world by deliberately calling the followers of our Dharma as fundamentalist caste ridden Hindutva force of heathens and kaffirs. 

It is a big mistake to take the tolerant nature of our Dharma as cowardice. Tolerance is our supreme strength. Our Dharma also teaches us not to be cowards and do our duty and fight for the truth; and we will.

The war of ‘the truth’ has already started in Bharat.



More entries: http://hind-java.in/, Concept of God in Hinduism, Open Source religion – a short proposal., Sanatana Dharma (1)

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04:55 PM Nov 24 2009

United States

Do you know about these Sanskrit books?
