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Efri Shan

Efri Shan


January 11, 2010

As I told u be4 that today is my 1st day in final examination. It was a sunny day after raining 4 several days. I walked 2 my campus that not so far from my dorm. A few minutes later, I arrived, went inside the class, and found there had been some of my friends were sitting n studying. After waiting abwt 15 minutes, supervisor came n gave us a piece of test form. I read it n Wow!!! There was 9 nice questions! :-D But I couldn't answer 2 questions well. I wasn't sure with it. There were also a little accident when I wrote my answer. Suddenly, superviser came closer n asked me bwt a piece of paper on my lap. OMG!!! My heart was beating faster cuz the content of the paper was part of the answer of questions in the test that I read be4 supervisor came. I didn't cheat just forgot 2 put it away. Fortunately, he didn't open it. I can't imagine if it happened. Perhaps, I will be discharged from the class!

More entries: BUGINESE WEDDING (Buginese is one of ethnics in Makassar, South Sulawesi, East Indonesia), My Christian friend (2), Tired (2), An accident (4), Return to my hometown, Feel guilty, 1st day, Final exam (1), Annoyed (1), New Year 2010 (1)

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