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May 9, 2008

Hello, Ms. Liu, nice to meet you again.

Me too, I want to deposit the 100,000 yuan to our company's account, and withdraw 1,000 yuan from our company's account to replenish our petty cash found.


Have you recorded the revenue of ¥100,000 earned on July 1?

Certainly, I have recorded this revenue and an accounts receivable in the accounting records on July 1. Look, the entry is Dr: Accounts Receivable RMB 100,000, Cr: Sales RMB 100,000.

刘:当然。我已经在7月1日确认了收入,并增加了相应的应收账款余额。看,会计分录为 借:应收账款 人民币100,000,贷:销售收入 人民币100,000。

Look here, Ms. Liu, I cannot find a 30,000 yuan payout in the Journal, which is noted in the bank statement.

It is impossible! Let me have a look! It's true, I will come to the bank tomorrow, and you check the vouvher, OK!


More entries: Financial English (1), 16天记住7000个考研单词 (1), 英语四六级作文经典句型总结, no matter, 主语从句, matter用法, 书面表达范文 - 002, 不定式主语, there be ..., 书面表达范文-001

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05:00 AM Oct 13 2010


Dearest One,
My name is Ms lovelin,i saw your profile today at englishbaby.com and became
intrested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send
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am.Here is my email address (lovelinsambo200@yahoo.in) i believe we can move
from here.I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.Ms lovelin(Remember
the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life Yours Love
Ms lovelin