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Czech Republic

October 11, 2010

Christmas time in the Czech Republic – part 1 an Advent time Everything starts 4 weeks before Christmas evening (24th January). Supermarkets go into Christmas dress. Everywhere are Christmas trees, paper chains, paper bells, cupping glasses, gold and red decorations. So everybody must to find, that Christmas time is here. Czech woman starts with cleaning their flats or houses, shopping, baking, decorating... An advent time It is time of waiting on Christmas evening. Christians have this time for preparing on celebrating of Jesus Christ born. It lasts four weeks. We have got special thing for this time. It is an advent wreath. The advent wreath is made from branch of conifer and has got four candles. We light first candle on First Advent Sunday, second candle on Second Advent Sunday etc. On Christmas evening light all four candles. So like every woman I must clean our flat – but not normally cleaning – it is mean “super big cleaning” – windows, carpets, all furniture on and in it, stairs, floors, pictures on walls, curtains, drapes, flowers... and many other . And I must bake sweets. We make many kinds of them in the Czech Republic. It´s made from usually food stuffs e. g. peanuts, wheat flour, spice, eggs, butter, chocolate, milk, honey... I will bake 7 kinds and 3 kinds I will made without baking. I have got small ginger breads, chocolate stars and coconuts bowls already. Many work before me. I must go ... cleaning and baking... See you another time....

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06:28 AM Dec 12 2010



it s amazing,  that also other nations have similar things.

sure, not for Advent, but before spring. I know that from my Iranian friend,

she told me the same, you do here.

Thanks for sharing this.

have a peaceful time in Advent