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September 25, 2012

Smile like you've never cried, fight like you've never lost,love like you´ve never been hurt and live like there´s not tomorrow :D

Life doesn't always be according to plans.if something happens against you will take a deep breath. It's just a bad day, not a bad life..

July 28, 2012

I was born but my parents didn´t ask me if I agreed, I went to public school spite all teachers hated me, a lovely boy stole my heart broke it and then gave it back damaged to me, I make up everyday even with the cheapest make up, I have clothes of all color cuz in the market they r on sale, I graduated some weeks ago but I didn´t close my major n I wake up everymorning with a smile on my face cuz sb told me once life is like a mirrow n I´ll get back the same I give to the world. I give u my best smile, will I get urs? :D

07:40 PM Aug 01 2012



ohh thank u so much I´ll keep it in my box of smiles..lol

10:35 PM Jul 28 2012



....and just like that you get my smile in return.


09:00 PM Jul 28 2012



ohh thx u so much 4 ur words, it seems years made u wise n I appresiated what u said I´ll keep it in mind (^_^)

04:33 PM Jul 28 2012



Hello Aiko from Mexico ;) First I'd like to say "thank you" for your friend request...

and secondly I also read your interesting post. Isn't it that at birth we're all thrown from nothing to chaos? We had no other choice. Nobody asked us or waited for our opinion. And just like it began so it's going to go on. We're constantly thrown into cold water and everytime it's up to us to either hold still and drown or very quickly learn how to swim this heres life full of motion. And you know what Aiko? As intelligent as you are..you've made the right choice. These few words always help me to get over the things that trouble me..perhaps they encourage you a little as well. I am just saying :))

Head up, stay strong, fake a smile and move on ...

July 19, 2012

one day, the life hit me so hard that it taught  me  to resist ...

One day, someone lied such hurt me and then I learned to  go always with the truth ...

one day,  the person I  less imagined disappointed me and I learned that words have to be fulfilled and the promises must accomplish ...

sometimes it is necessary to turn the page and start from scratch ...

even it hurts...

the greatest warrior is not the one who always triumph , it is the one who return without fear to the  battle ^_^

06:07 AM Jul 20 2012



move on n being happy instead live of memories with tears on the eyes. I like itLaughing

04:30 AM Jul 20 2012



I would say shrewder. But the personality is always the same that's the thing. I, for example, can be different. Just don't take the dissappointments to close to heart and move on. Some people just live by getting on somebody's nerves. And you know your shiny happiness will kill them. So get by smiling and be shrewd to them. Not every one is so good as you're. )

04:22 AM Jul 20 2012

Serbia and Montenegro

yes, you're right...so we are stronger now :D that's the advantage of disappointing :D

03:12 AM Jul 20 2012



yeah dear, we learn from our mistakes, that´s why a boy can break down a girl but a real gal will always pick up the pieces rebuild herself n becomes stronger. >_<

01:28 AM Jul 20 2012

Serbia and Montenegro

"one day, the person I less imagined disappointed me and I learned that words have to be fulfilled and the promises must accomplish …"

It really hurts when someone who you love dissappointed you. I have had the opportunity to experience that. The dissapointinh came from person whom I had confidence and I thought that he had never hyrted me, but he did it. So, I haven't trusted anyone anymore since then. But, people learn from their mistakes....