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Sinner Saint




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November 22, 2007

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Where Are You God?

Where are you, God,
Up in the vast, endless, sky?
Are you in the moon
Or the stars that reach so high?

Are you in the wind,
In the touch of a breeze?
Are you all around us,
In every flower, in all the trees?

I look for you in nature,
In every bird that sings.
I look for you in music,
In all the notes and strings.


I look for you in Heaven,
Your home up in the sky.
I look and I have found you,
Just like the birds that fly,

I've found you in the sunset
And sunrise, dawn of day.
I've found you in my family,
In everything they say.

I've found you and I'll keep you.
You're everything to me.
I'll always love and worship you,
From now 'til eternity.

By shanie