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June 26, 2008

I used to look down upon the sexual worker and i thought they shouldn't have regarded their body as a commodity.But now i have changed my mind and i should throw myself into their state of mind and show respect for them.

In a film called the decameron of the sexual worker, it gives a decription about the sexual workers' live and their attitude toward life. Some struggle for life and have no choice so that they go in for such a kind of job. i think we should not discriminate against them. The sexual workers also have the same human right like us. So whenI've heard about news that the sexual worker is kept off some restaurants, i am against what have done to the sexual worker.

Besides I can't accept females who prostitude themselves. In terms of their sexual service, it is an easy way to spread AIDS and venereal diseases. In my opinion, the sexual worker should make a provision to prevent themselves from venereal disease.

P.S. you can write down your common on the sexual worker if you are interest.

More entries: the common on Philadelphia , how to keep a friendship alive, my though about sexual worker (1), An Abstract from the Aim of a University Education, experience, lesson, special feeling (1), beyond my expectation (1), New beginning, confusing~~~~~~

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12:39 AM Jun 28 2008


It's a big relief to see that there are someone on this earth having humanitarian concerns about the outcasts of society. You are talking about not to discriminate against prostitutes. Who discriminates against them? Men. Who are the consumers of their service? Men. What's the result? Hypocrisy.