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Without tenses

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July 8, 2012

"I saw a man the other day who was outside his truck dancing.  He was out along side of the road as though he were dancing with someone - but I could see that he was alone. Beside myself with curiosity, I just had to stop and ask him what he was doing. With tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat, he explained that he had been at this very spot not but three days before. He had been with his little girl waiting for a road block to clear. Bored of the wait, his daughter had asked him to come out of the truck and dance with her to one of her favorite songs that had been playing on the radio. The man explained to me how embarrassed he would have been to do that in public - so he had watched from with in the truck as his daughter danced a little dance for him. Then with a trembling of his voice he tried to explain to me that his little girl had been killed in a violent car accident just yesterday - he was now not so proud - he was now out dancing with his little girl."

More entries: Half-Wit (3), Come Home Son, Life Is A Risk, Words Are Not Action, JOY, Here's a shot of me doing my one--and only one--yearly exercise (1), Indeed A Higher Law of Justice, Gotcha! (1), A Belated "I'm Sorry", The Fruits of Our Labor?

View all entries from Without tenses >

12:06 PM Jul 08 2012


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

thank you my friend.

I like yr words.it seem you have kind heart.

thanks for sharing these blogs :)

I will send you rose pic in my page ;)

11:54 AM Jul 08 2012



I sense that you have a soft soul.

11:40 AM Jul 08 2012


Iran, Islamic Republic Of
