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Without tenses

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July 22, 2012

Prompted by the title of a movie, A Thousand Words (not  千字文 ), I pondered over what words I might have chosen to have taken back if life had been about the number of words one could say in a lifetime and then life was over.  How many meaningless mumbles or petty criticisms or spiteful utterances might I have chosen to have withheld from spewing out from over my lips - thus having preserved a few more years of my life.  I am thinking that 'many' would be the count - more than a thousand - I am sure.

More entries: Half-Wit (3), Come Home Son, Life Is A Risk, Words Are Not Action, JOY, Here's a shot of me doing my one--and only one--yearly exercise (1), Indeed A Higher Law of Justice, Gotcha! (1), A Belated "I'm Sorry", The Fruits of Our Labor?

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