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Without tenses

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January 23, 2013

To some of my friends abroad,

Why am I here

Well, the dishes are done; I've had breakfast, and I have made the bed. Now of having made the bed, it takes me a bit longer than possibly a normal bed making process would take. It's because I have to fold and put away maybe 6 to 8 pairs of pants, too long towels, a coat, and a jacket, plus the normal routine of straightening out sheets, pillows, and a blanket. "Six to 8 pairs of jeans?" you may be thinking. What does making the bed have to do with pants? Well, the weather has been a little cold the past few days, and the temperature in this adobe walled high-rise (6-floor building - not really a 'high-rise' per se) gets quite cold at night. I have no means of heating up this apartment/department.

Here, almost year-round the weather is humid, with a humidity variance of between 75 and 80%. It tends to rain the most during June, July, and August throughout the region with a 13 mm level. It is a cold zone, with a rate temperature of about 14.9 °C. For this, it has extensive vegetation. It is worth mentioning that this town is many times covered by a misty layer of white clouds - yeah, 'fog, ' and a light rain known as “Chipi-chipi”. It is considered the foggiest zone of the country, It tends to be misty 280 days a year and sometimes reaches 15 meters thick. It is the' little London'.

Today it will be between 10 and 17°C. Now, that doesn't seem so cold, not as cold as I have ever experienced. What makes it cold, or seem to be so cold, is that extreme changes in temperature from as much as hour to hour. It can be warm and sunny one moment, and it drastically cold the next. My body has never been able to acclimate. I believe that this is one cause for so many cold and flu viruses that people are hounded with almost on a daily basis here. It seems that every day someone comes to classic sick, and then the following day I'm sick.

Note: Where the weather may lack in warmth, comfort and consistency here, the people here more than make up for the lack of living luxury. The people here are consistently warm and comforting. Some of my greatest friends now live here - now this is the greatest of all "living luxury."

Would I recommened your coming here?  Yes.  Why?  Because you will be loved for who you are.

More entries: Half-Wit (3), Come Home Son, Life Is A Risk, Words Are Not Action, JOY, Here's a shot of me doing my one--and only one--yearly exercise (1), Indeed A Higher Law of Justice, Gotcha! (1), A Belated "I'm Sorry", The Fruits of Our Labor?

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