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englishlabor's Blog

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June 5, 2008

 Microsoft is absolutely a excellent company.Its inventions and products make our life much more convenient than before.The Windows system,the MS office.We can't simply live without its products.  But in my eyes,one of MS's products is so terrible to us. It is Power Point. So please let me ask you a question,in your calssrooms or meeting rooms,do the teachers or the orator give speeches with PPTs behid them and do the contents in the PPTs attract you? Please give me the honest answer.                                                                                     

      OK,at least in my eyes,most of the speeches with PPTs turn out to be failure.In my classes,my teacher use the PPTs to teach students and almost write nothing on the blackboard throughout the classes. His courses turn out to be boring and little students listen to him because the formulas and the words in the PPTs just can't attract the students' eyes. The classes aren't  totally active and we students just stare at the PPTs and our brains are blank.

     In human's history,there were lots of famous public speeches but almost none of them was with PPTs. The orator himself should be to focus but not the contents in PPTs. He or she should use their enthusiasm,their passion and sometimes their humour to attract the audiences instead force the audiences pay attention on the plain and boring PPTs.

    Maybe you would say that nowadays the orators can't give speeches without PPTs behind them because they can help the orators much more easily to make themselves understood. In some ways,it is true.So we should begin the consider a question that what we can  post in the PPTs and what we shouldn't. As to this question.My suggestion is we can post some necessary pictures in the PPTs but we should delete the long-winded descriptions and comments which can simply destroy your performences.

    In a successful speech,the orator must be who can successfully make himself attracted and make the performence interactive.

More entries: public service, internet,good or bad? (1), PPT's not a good thing, commercial comment, a story in the earthquake , This unusual winter (1)

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