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June 19, 2008

     about two weeks ago,the Chinese government finnally took measure to command the supermarkets to stop providing plastic bags to the customers free. So nowadays if we want to get a bag from the supermarket, we should pay 20 cents per bag,otherwise,without taking bag with ourselves,we have to take everything in our own hand back home which appearently is very very unconvenient. Before the proposal being put into practise, there were little warning about it. So I still remembered that day I went to a nearby supermarket and took many things to the cash desk only to be told that I had to took all these things without a bag if I didn't pay money for a bag. we need time to get used to this situation. But I think the Chinese government didn't do a good job on this thing. Maybe we should follow France.nowadays the French supermarkets als don't provide plastic bags to their customers. Several years ago, then the supermarkets are allowed to provide plastic bags while realizing that plastic stuff really did harm to our environment. So the supermarkets printed some words on every bags to the customers like"please care our earth and bring your own bags." The french government also shot some charity advertisment took some other measures to encourage the citizens to bring their own bags to the supermarkets. As time went, Frenches were used to taking bags to the malls and supermarkets by themselves. Then French government found that it was right time to take measure to command the suermarkets to stop providing plastic bags to the customers and the customers were not very suprised to it. Every thing was fine and went smoothly.

   In the field of public service, some developed coutries really do a great job which can be set as the example to others. So everytime we want to take some measures, we should consider whether it is scientific and humanistic. and it is actually a good way by following some good examples.In many cases,there are many other countries taking  measures in the similar fields before us but their measures seem to be very different. Some turn out to be sccessful but some failure. So we can compare them and study why some are so sccessful,what are their advantage and how they make differences on people's life. Then we can take some measures similar with them and have a good effect in our society.

   But there are also some other facts in China. China has the biggest population on the earth and the situations in different places are totally different. So it must be very very expensive to generally educate the citizens to realize somethings.There are 23 provinces and 4 municipalities in China. The situations in differnet areas are very different. In the field of public education,Chinese government have to take very different measures. In these areas, Internet would be perfect, and in those areas, TV advertisment maybe fine , and in several other areas, it is hard to find out a proper solution. the diversity of course can make it at high expense.

    So it is very tough to carry out a perfect proposal in China. And it seems that every time the government make a decision,he would encounter countless problems because it is really hard to satisfy 1.3 billions people at the same time.

More entries: public service, internet,good or bad? (1), PPT's not a good thing, commercial comment, a story in the earthquake , This unusual winter (1)

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