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November 10, 2008

  记得去年,跟朋友在谈论饭后新闻时 ,提到过技术移民到加拿大,当时我并没什么反应,因为离我时在太远,那时没考虑这个,我觉得有钱在哪都好混(现在鸡蛋牛奶服务文化....还是移民好,有钱人移民新加坡吧,能长寿的)。


Zhao Benshan recent immigration on the front page, the beginning of reaction is that this guy really do not love, then think about it and whether their own interests are far greater than the patriotic, but it does not mean that immigrants are not patriotic, at least 1.5 billion Chinese in the country with a large population The premise is a patriotic immigrant, in order to reduce the burden on the country.
   I remember last year, talking with friends in the news after dinner, referred to skilled migrants to Canada, then what I did not respond because I am in too far away, then do not consider this, I think where the money is well mixed ( Eggs, milk and cultural services now .... or immigrants, wealthy Singapore immigration you can live longer).
   This year there have been a lot of things, I do not say that the Chinese government is not, said it would be useless, and China's human rights will never be on stage for fair negotiations. --- Because only one-party Communist Party.
   Read today, immigrants score less than 50 hours (67 hours Canada) Australia should write less, but it seems to IELTS 6 minutes, as I have the super-poor. There is no chance. In fact, this very forces of hate, but can not, or 1.5 billion Chinese (in addition to not go beyond Hu) have emigrated to Canada, the United States will certainly not willing, after a large number of people to run the direction of the United States, so I also show how the aristocracy of the United States The identity of the.
    In a summary of immigration laws: can not meet the conditions of the very forces that must be grass-roots people



More entries: 移民 to migrate (3), happy new year (2), hello (1)

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12:30 AM Feb 02 2009

kid yy

kid yy


07:16 PM Jan 11 2009



英语进步很快么 呵呵

 09年也到了 你还还吧?

坦诚地说 听五月天的《突然好想你》,我想起你来了 呵呵

06:35 PM Nov 19 2008

Susan V.sa

Susan V.sa
