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My place,i do

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fish tear

fish tear


July 27, 2008

During college, I had a very quiet boyfriend. What I remember most about visiting his parents is the loud tick of the grandfather clock in the dining room as we silently ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to assess(评定,判断) his family as cold.
When my boyfriend and I got into his car to drive home, his father suddenly appeared with a spray(喷物) bottle and rag(擦布). Carfully,he began to wash his son's windshield. I could feel his caring through the glass.
"Wow,your father really loves you," I said to my boyfriend, who gave his father a sweet smile.
I learned another lesson about love a few years later when I began to earn a steady paycheck. My father, not someone to expree emotion, often called me early in the morning.
"Buy Xerox. It's a good share price,"he might say abruptly when I amswered the phone. No pleasant greeting or inquiry(调查研究) about my life, just a financial(财政的) directive(指令).
His brusque(唐突) manner offended me and we often quarreled. One day, I thought about my father's business acumen(敏锐) and success, and I realized that his concern for my financial security(安全) lay behind his terse(简洁的) morning calls. He was showing his love in a most unorthodox(非正统) way, but showing it nonetheless(没有生气).
The next time he called and told me to buy a stock, I thanked him.

More entries: one week, Learn appreciation well(translated by me! Thanks for some advice.), How the love is quite keen?, what is love? (2), serching for many English teachers and sincere friends!!!!!!!!!!!! (1), the thing we cannt possess are the best? (1)

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03:12 PM Aug 02 2008



your english is good,but i think your chinese is better.can these foreigners read chinese?

05:55 AM Jul 28 2008


United States

oh this is a very good entry. your writing is good!! ^^ anyway, that's very true. some people find difficulty in expressing certain emotions but that doesn't mean those emotions aren't there. it's hard to figure them out too~
in a way i'm kinda like that.. but not to the extent like your father X'D