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not all that glitters is gold

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Saudi Arabia

November 22, 2008

the chance comes once in life

i think it's really very close from Hamlet's speech"to be or not to be that's the question"

others may say that  one should be eclectic and extremely cautious

because life is full of surprises and unexpected events,

one  should be ready for all conditions to seize the chance.

it's like the advice (take it or leave it)

More entries: not all that glitters is gold (1), take it or leave it (1), the best investment (2), day and night (2), Surf your way to the reality (2)

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07:24 AM Nov 23 2008


Russian Federation

"Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt"- from Latin "Fate leads the  person who wishes, and drags the person who doesn't wish".

Any chance  that we face is unique, and any chance is necessary to  take. But, non-taking the chance is also a  choice, isn't it?

So, it's again depends on a person  how he/she builds his/her fate.