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United States

November 11, 2011

Talking about the future can be difficult for English learnesr as there many options to choose from. Knowing which tense to use for different situations takes time and sometimes you can choose between two or three tenses without there being a change in meaning, while in other situations there is only one possible use.

Here is a quick summary of the different future tenses used:

Will - Requests, offers, decisions in the moment and promises.

  • I'm going to the pub. --> I'll go too!
  • I'm tired --> I'll make some coffee.

Going to - Intentions and Plans

  • I'm going to visit my cousin next summer.

Present Continuous - Arrangements

  • I'm flying to New York on Tuesday.

Present Simple - Shedules and Timetables

  • The bus leaves tomorrow at 4pm.

Click here for a more detailed description of all future tenses and also includes exercises. A good way to practice right now is to get involved in the discussion on facebook about what you're weekend - Join the discussion.

More entries: FREE Book: The 5 Keys to Becoming Fluent in English, New Year's Resolutions, Free 30 Day Course (1), English Conversation Lessons (1), Present Simple Tense, Going To vs Will, Future Tenses - Explanation and Practice, Thanksgiving (1), How do you learn?, English Courses Online (1)

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