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May 17, 2008

 I will never forget these days. I was doing my assignment in the dorm while my roommates were sleeping. Suddenly, here was a large shake and I couldn’t stand as usual, as if I were boating.

 Someone screams out of the dorm, and I didn’t know what happened. I thought the old building must be devastated at first time. After some hesitation, we all rush to the stairs as soon as possible. Some images came to my mind whether I would die here… luckily; all students were out of the building. Until standing on the earth did I really believe that here was indeed an earthquake. I have never experienced this before. Many students couldn’t help crying, and most of us were still in the shock. So we slept in the playground in the evening, but it began to rain. Our situation was seriously bad, many of us caught cold. We were too frightened to near any high buildings. The next evening we still slept in the ground, we were obliged to move into the lab, because of the heavy rain. I can’t sleep; my spirit was full of nerves. And I scared to hear any loud voice.

  From the TV, I know that our earthquake relates to WenChuan’s which measuring 8.0 on the richster scale, and we measuring 5.8 at the first time. We have to tolerate the earthquakes, because it will last several months. Many times a day, I can’t remember them all. We are in CHENGDU so the damage is not very serious. But many people died in WenChuan especially the children. The earthquake caused extensive structural damage; many students are still covered by the ruins. People are trying their best to search for the people who are alive. We don’t give up.

  Many people lost their relatives or disabled in the earthquake. And the earth are emitting its energy by every earthquake so here is still in danger, but much better than last few days. And many volunteers, armies, police, doctors, nurses and the locals etc. are keeping the rescue. I am moved now, because here are many kind-hearted persons. Towns which near CHENGDU are devastated during the earthquakes. CHENGDU is more safe than other places in SICHUAN,although we still feel the earth"shaking". I believe that we can build better future. Whatever happened, we should keep the faith.    

  we should love ourselves, love others, love lives. and thanks for these lovely people. we admire them very much.




More entries: I deserve it, new life, wow,it's a pity, the winter holiday, to change (2), my summer (2), DA Mouth, hope you well, Practice in pediatrics of CMC the first subsidiary hospital, let's overcome the disaster together (1)

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04:15 AM May 22 2008



I want to say that this is indeed  a big disaster to every chinese.I could not believed myself when my roommate told me the earthquake ...you should stand up with encourage.I support you! let's be side whit the victims forever...