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February 6, 2010

One day, a person has a kind of feeling……

       One day, can I, can weGo to a place that we both would like to goIn our memoriesThen piece by piece it gradually realizes itselfIn every scenePicture the two people’s intertwined hands.

       One day, can I, can weDuring our busy momentsAppropriately retrieve to the cornerQuietly wait in our thoughtsAs we wait for the other to finish.

      One day, can I, can weLook past how much we have doneBut see with the heartThe other’s every minute care and kindness And treasure it with heart-filled gratitude。

      One day, can I, can we when someone of the opposite sex approachesAnd smiles as they display a picture with someone in it Whispering “Sorry, I’m already waiting on someone”.

      One day, can I, can we When facing the chaos of life Certain inside,Think about spending our everyday with the one we like.

     One day, can I, can we Pursue in heart Not with ups and downs The willingness to live through the mundane life with the other, in warmth, in happiness.

    One day, can I, can weBy the time the late supper is done We along with the cute children,Saunter through the bright forestAnd watch the sunset together.

    One day, can I, can we Due to our short-lived life That we must cherish the time we have spent together Without fighting, without vexation .Happily and joyfully live on.

    One day, can I, can we When imagining the future life ,Surprisingly finds out That the small home built from the heart Has the same scene.

    One day, a man has a kind of feeling, can I, can we?If one day, I can, we can ,I would like to rise up early and open the curtains to greet the sunlight,Clean up the room filled with much happiness.Make simple yet skillfully made fried eggsgently, walk towards the bed to wake up that slumbering person.

    One day, can I, can we?If one day, I can, we can,I think I would never ever choose to leave,Regardless of your presence or absence .

More entries: one day one person have one feeling, 想念 (1)

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