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"Know Your Palestine" Quiz , open to all the international community.





May 11, 2012


April 22, 2012


The “Cyber Terrorist- The Islam and the Prophet defender" died from grain of dust…Lol!!!

A Saudi hacker known just as “Cyber Terrorist” died in Riyadh after suffering an apparent acute asthma attack caused by the dust storm that hit the Saudi capital last week.

The 28-year-old hacker was known for penetrating the most well protected sites including Microsoft, Kaspersky, Milworm, besides the server of another hacker known as the king of hackers Kevin Mitnick. In addition to numerous Jewish sites, banks and major companies, he was also able to hack into the site of the Danish cartoonists who drew caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

A colleague and fellow hacker mourned his friend’s passing and described him as a person who allocated his time in defending Islam and the Prophet. He said the friend specialized in hacking the hackers and even got the attention of U.S., Israeli and British media, who wrote about him.

“One company had shown interest in working with him for a large sum of money but he rejected the offer because it came from a Jewish company,” he said.

Earlier in the year, a Saudi hacker by the name of OxOmar was allegedly responsible for the hacking of Israel’s national airline as well as its stock exchange. He is also believed to have posted details of thousands of Israeli credit card holders after hacking into the bank’s account.


April 4, 2012

I would ask you to refer to a cute little book full of humor called “A delightful journey in the Holy-Land” written by Samuel Longhorn (more commonly known as Mark Twain). Longhorn traveled in Israel in 1867, he did not see neither Palestinians, nor green pastures, nor Arab villages, nor bustling cities, nothing! He saw and described swamps, sickness, Malaria, unending desert and no civilization what so ever. “The land of tears”, that is how he called Israel.

"Palestinians" are an invented people..why u ask yourself?


Arabs & Muslims consider the Middle East to be The Dar al Islam and will never accept the presence of the Jewish State there. They are opportunist squatters and 'the occupiers' of Israeli territory. The fictitious race has adopted the phony name of 'Palestinians' as a strategic tactic re facilitating their Land grab operation.The supposed impoverished lifestyle, imposed on the fake race by Hamas, is iintended to influence the international community against Israel and in favour of the Islamic take over agenda.