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April 13, 2008

 so long  as there is distinction between men and women ,the  relationship between them will be an everlasting topic .Can there be authentic frendship between the sexes? this is a question that arouses people 's interest and meanwhile confuses them .C.S,Lews made four distinction of love .They are:affection,friendship ,eros,and charity.Lewis notes that it is rare when these come alone ,so in most case we should expect a mixture of them .Affection can be seen as the type of love a mother can feel for a son ,but also a son for a mother .It can be more general .It can be the love for an old employee or for a faithful pet .Friendship can be seen when people share common interests .The common interests draw a boundary between "us"(the friends) and "them"(the rest ).Eros is the love of couple .Charity is the type of love which is given without interest.It could be seen as "pure"gift_love .There is no doubt  that men and women can love each other ,but  can they become real friends?