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aBeeR ~

aBeeR ~

Saudi Arabia

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July 29, 2010

the best killer /

آمين الله يخليهم لي ويخلي لك وآلديييك بصحه وعافيه إن شآاء الله  : )
ويخليك لهم : )

ما عاد به شدة حيل ! خلاص
بشوف تقديم الواسطه يوم السبت وش يصير عليها .. و إن شآاء الله خير : )
يعطيك العآافيه أخوي : )


East-Bird /

yaeh . . . right

It is already very bad : (

On Saturday, i would not go to university for the test .. no !
I'll go for the university that once again offer [ Through an intermediary ]

 Understood ?

I will say something : )

Maybe say you that the mediator is a good thing
But I see in some cases reverse this !

We'll see what happens ..

I hope that things go best case ... Was tired of this situation : (

Thank you my brother
[ I wish you success and happiness in your life and the hereafter : ) ]

Thanks again ~

04:08 AM Jul 31 2010


Saudi Arabia

It's ok dude .. there is nothing to be sorry of. And it's really to remind each other of such things that we maybe forget about it sometimes ! 

thanks for your time .. and nice talking with ya 

02:59 AM Jul 31 2010

the best killer
Saudi Arabia

my Brother first of all i'm really sorry if i annoy you really sorry for that.

 and i get your point its really clear and you are rigth i shouldn't take it Literal espisaly when we are speaking in english but i was trying to gave you an advice as a help from borther to brother i really don't know what to say anyway sorry agine for that.

take care brother

04:51 AM Jul 30 2010


Saudi Arabia

Dear brother,

I really appreciate your concern.  However, you shouldn't take things literally and find the literal equivalence in arabic. The meaning is obvious, which is that you do your best and leave the rest on Aallah. It's like if we want allah's Twofeeg and answer of our prayer, we should do our part fully and pray allah...

Brother, you shouldn't be over sensitive in these thing. Specially I'm speaking in English.  When we speak in English, sometimes we don't know how to explain an idea literally which is in arabic. So we go around seeking to get as much closer to the meaning as possible... I hope you got my point ..

Good luck and thanks a lot anyway for you notification. May Allah keeps us on the right away. God Bless ya 


08:21 PM Jul 29 2010


Saudi Arabia

Today is Friday. Pray as much as you can and hope allah answers your prayers !

It's real problem here that so many girls suffer when they apply to universities that they get rejected though they've a high degree .. !!!! 

 You do your part of prayers and let the rest on Allah

Hope we all here hear a good news tomorrow :)

Good luck sis 

July 28, 2010

Welcome all my friends : )


the best killer /

تفآائلت بردك هذآا : )

يسعد ايآامك ..

Thank you very much my brother : )

 زياد /

إيه سويت إللي علي .. ومآاني زعلانه على نفسي كثر مآاني زعلانه على أمي و أبوي

خيبت ظنهم :(

إن شآاء الله أتوفق يآارب ~

Thank you for your reply : )



hahaha  , yaeh !

But my not allowed to fail now
I did not expect That
I hope that God Iovgueni ’ and I hope You success and happiness
Thank you for your reply : )


East-Bird /

Acceptance testing at the university
The degree of testing is very good but not accepted

Today when I went to the oldest in the university
They told me :
I did not put the correct details !
But I did not do so : (

So I returned home very disappointed : (
I do not know what to do !
I do not want a future failed

I'll see how things would go on Saturday !
Maybe good ! <- I hopeee thissss

Thank you very much for the reply : )


penny810428 /

I hope so,  my dear : )

Thank you very much for the reply ~



04:33 AM Jul 29 2010


Saudi Arabia

I see .. 

I got from what you said that you answered well, but there is a problem with the personal information or sth related to it .. right ?!

that's bad !!

What are you going to do on Saturday? are you going to take the test again or it's something else ?

Inshallah it'll be ok. Beside, your parents are always proud of you whatever the recent circumstances 

God bless ya and good luck  

08:16 PM Jul 28 2010

the best killer
Saudi Arabia

وعلى الطاري لاداعي للشكر ياخوك احنا اخوان ولازم نساعد بعض

08:15 PM Jul 28 2010

the best killer
Saudi Arabia

الله يسعد ايامك ياخوك وهونيها تهون وخلي املك بالله كبير وراح تعدين المره الثانيه باذن واحد احد

وبالنسبه لابوك وامك الله يحفظهم لك انا متاكد انهم راح يتفهمون وضعك ولا راح يزعلون منك بس انتي برضه حاولي انك تشدين حيلك وترفعين روسهم ياخوك وخليكي متفائله وابشري بالخير

July 28, 2010

Today I am very, very sad

Test results have emerged ...

not good .. never !

oh god ’ I am tired :(

why ! Why is this happening to me ?

I have done my best in order to succeed .

I do not know !!!

Disappointed all my :(

 I hope that the most successful on Saturday , I have another chance

and I hope that God Iovgueni ~




In God's care :)

06:11 PM Jul 28 2010


sorry for that :((

i had finished my uni exams ,

and all of stuffs , so im tired too...

anyway ...Gook luck for you !!

you will do it well on saturday :)

05:09 PM Jul 28 2010


Saudi Arabia

I'm sorry to hear that !. It's really awful feeling. I can feel that.

We all seek Allah's help. Specially when we do our part of working. Hope you do better in the coming test and Inshallah you succeed. 

btw, what type of test is it ? 

Good luck 

04:22 PM Jul 28 2010



Whish you the best Abeer. Be patient and work harder and you ll get the  good marks. however, we all got the bad marks ^.^  . May allah help you. just be optimiste for the coming exams

03:39 PM Jul 28 2010


Saudi Arabia

لا تزعلي ياعبير

أهم شي انك سويتي الي عليك


02:09 PM Jul 28 2010

the best killer
Saudi Arabia

Hi Abeer,

first of all  don't be sad my sister because what happend is alreday happend you can't do to it anything and you have another chance don't miss it and don't spend all of your time blameing yourself why i did that if i did or and so on thats really bad coz you will spend your time with no advantage so now go and preper yourself for the next staerday and don't miss it my sister ok i know its hard for you but try to forget this thing and as i said preper for the next time ok.

وراح اقول لك حاجه تخليك مبسوطه شوي وتخليك تنسين الي انتي فيه انتي ربي يحبك تدرين ليه الحديث يقول ان الله اذا احب عبدا ابتلاه وانتي ربي ابتلاك يعني يحبك تأملي خير ياخوك وانشالله امورك طيبه والله يوفقك واي خدمات انا مستعد والله يوفقك دين ودنيا واخره