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Paragraph Pattern

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Samuel Desfortin


April 10, 2009

Reading usually deals with a paragraph or some paragraphs. A good paragraph contains topic sentence or main idea which is then developed by supporting details. Experts define paragraph with many definitions. Among others are Wiener and Bazerman (1977:47). They both defined a paragraph as a group of sentences about some related subjected. Moreover, Toendan stated a paragraph as a basic unit of organization in writing in which a group of related sentence develops one main idea (Toendan, 2007:78).

Therefore, a paragraph is a group of sentences to explain the related subject by developing the main idea into some supporting details.

Paragraph can be developed by using a variety of patterns. They are explained as follows:

1.    Narration

According to Toendan (2008:118) narration is the telling or relating of occurrences or a series of events. It is also found in diaries, journals, newspapers, biographies and autobiographies. In telling a story or relating events, authors structurally organize the events in chronological order, or time sequence. Generally, the events are written about just as they happen, one after the other.

Therefore, it can be concluded that narration is a paragraph pattern which tells a series of events or occurrences and organized in chronological or time sequence.

2.    Description

According to Toendan (2008:91) description is used whenever authors describe a place, a thing, or a person. Description is divided into the following sub-points:

  • Description of place
It is attempting to give a clear description of place to the readers by using adverb of place.
  • Description of person
It is attempting to give a clear description of certain person to the readers by describing one’s physical appearance, one’s manner, etc.
  • Definition
It is attempting to give elaboration or explanation of something abstract or concrete to the readers by using defining terms.
  • Illustration-Example

It is attempting to illustrate something accompanied by using the examples to the readers.

Based on the explanations, it can be concluded that description is a paragraph pattern which is used to describe a place, a person, or a thing and divided into four sub-points: description of place, description of person, definition and illustration-example.

3.    Exposition

This kind of pattern is used to explain something, give information and interpret meaning. The following sub-points are the methods that can be used to organize a paragraph of exposition/explanation:

Specila explanation of Comparison-Contrast

It describes or discusses the ways in which they are the same or similar or the ways in which they are dissimilar or different. In the other words, Comparison-Contrast paragraph is a kind of paragraph that explains how two or more things are alike (based on comparison) and or how they are different (based on contrast). Toendan (2008:67) stated, “We compare and contrast two things when we want to determine the superiority of one thing over the other”. Comparison-contrast is a type of description.  However, unlike simple description which usually focuses on one subject (one person, place or object), comparison-contrast deals with two subjects and their similarities (comparison) and or differences (contrast). 

Example of Comparison-Contrast Paragraph in simple main idea form

There are some similarities in the customs, clothing and religion as well as big differences in the wealth, education and medical facilities between the U.A.E. now and 30 years ago. Firstly, for example, people uphold age-old customs. Some of these include camel-racing and traditional wedding celebrations. Additionally, clothing is still a constant, although Emirates occasionally wear western garb, men usually still wear the dishdasha and women the abbaya. Finally, the religion is still the same. People are devoted to Islam. Nonetheless, one striking difference is found in terms of wealth. 30 years ago, the average Emirate did not have a car or two or a huge house. Now, however, this is commonplace. Education has also changed: whereas three decades ago the only teaching was of the Holy Quran, now teaching from kindergarten up through university is prevalent. Last, medical facilities differ. In the past, people relied on traditional medicine such as herbal remedies but nowadays there are many modern public and private hospitals. 

Example of Comparison-Contrast Paragraph in split main idea form

Dogs make warm, friendly pets. No one will deny the feeling of friendship when, after a long day’s work, a wet pink tongue of greeting licks a master’s hand at the door. And watching television or reading a book, a man or a woman can reach down over the side of the couch and feel furry patch of life, hear the quiet contented breathing of a good friend. However, try to plan a trip without your faithful pet and your life is difficult. Where will you leave him? Who will feed him? Further, leaving a cozy house in the midst of winter and facing a howling frozen wind so the dog may take his walk is no pleasure at all. Hence, dogs can also be very troublesome. 

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