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The tiny Spark

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December 13, 2008

You’ve been gone now for about 5years, but still you shine as bright as ever on our memories dark nights. The champion of our line, the iron man, unbroken, unshaken even in the face of death.  I just respect your personality and admire your individuality.We remain forever indebted to your strong personality and for all the choices you made that have affected our lives to date knowingly or unknowingly, for the sacrifices you made, the pleasures you eschewed and the total exemplary life you lived, for the strokes of lashes you landed on our battered backs that have help molded our character, for the great men and women you have raised whom we are proud to call our parents, for the legacy of simplicity you have engraved in the boards of our hearts and for everything you’ve done for us, thanks.We’ll always remember your Spartan life and pray we get the grace to emulate.

More entries: Eureka!: Finding life. (3), New Year New Life (1), Forgiven (1), Loving the sparrow in me, The little things make the big difference, Adieu, Grand Pa (1), It Doesn't Get Any Better!, A Chat With Hope., Unfailing Love

View all entries from The tiny Spark >

06:52 AM Dec 13 2008



you know dude, I  enjoy your blog it's very symbolic you're great a person inside and out.