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nita_sao's Blog

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December 9, 2007

-The Hidden Beauty- 

The wind blows gently

In the hot sunny day

I am sitting lazily

Having no idea what to do


Wanting to throw my mind

Into the hot storm

So that I can have a break

And forget the hectic moment


Don’t want to see

Nor meet anyone

Disconnecting from the mass

Intending to set myself free

And releasing it

From what I’ve been suffering for long time

Tossing that boring nights and days away


Don’t want to care of anything

Just let me spend the happy moment for awhile

Stop thinking, searching for

Something else outside my mind


When I am alone

Stop thinking of somebody else

Then I can see the beautiful bright sky

Green sweet grass in that clear corner


When I stop….

Stop worrying about the busy period

Then I can see the beauty

Of the world

That I have overlooked


Getting tired of working

And the lonely time

Feeling depressed from the past

That still sticks in my head


I want to let my mind go

Into that hot storm

So that I can take a rest

                  And forget the hectic time finally

More entries: The Hidden Beauty, The Broken Love, HELLO

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