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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

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| 12:04 PM Aug 15 2011


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Five Hadith from lucid words of Imam Mujtaba(A.S):
1- ما تشاور قوم إلا هدو إلی رشدهم
Every group will consult each other they will guide to reach their goodness.
2- الخیر الذی لا شرّ فیه : الشکر مع النعمة و الصبر علی النازلة .
The charity which doesn’t include evil that is: Thanks beside blessing and petition beside calamitous.
3-و سئل عن المروة ؟ فقال : شحّ الرجل علی دینه ، و اصلاحه ماله، وقیامه بالحقوق
And he had been asked about generosity? He said: the meanness of the man in his religion, and repairing his property, and doing his dues.
4- الفرصة سریعة الفوت ، بطیئة العود .
Opportunity will pass fast, will come back slowly.
5- علیکم بالفکر فإنه حیاة قلب البصیر و مفاتیح أبواب الحکمة .
You have to think well, its has the life of the heart of insightful man, and they key of wisdom.

| 11:56 AM Aug 15 2011


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Birthday Anniversary of Imam Hasan (A.S.)
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Imam Hasan (A.S.) the Leader of the youth in Heaven was born in the holy city of Medina on 15th Ramadhan in third year after Hijrah. He was one of the two persons in whom the progeny of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) was limited. He was one of the four persons through whom the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) made the contest of prayer (Mubahila) with the Christians of Najran.
He was one of the five persons whom the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) covered with his cloak. He was one of the twelve Imams whose obedience Allah made incumbent on people. He was among those who were purified from sins as the Qur’an says. He was among those whose love Allah made reward for the divine mission of Islam. He was among those whom the Apostle of Allah made one of the two valuable things (Thaqalayn). Thus, whoever cleaves to them does not go astray. The Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) loved him and asked Allah to love those who love him.
Imam Hasan(A.S.) the Second Holy Imam of the Shi’ites in the world was Divinely gifted with all great qualities to such an extent that he was outstanding in knowledge,tolerance,intelligence,bounty and valour.
On the Joyous, Happy and Auspicious Occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of Imam Hasan(A.S.) we extend our Heartiest Greetings and Warm Felicitations to the 1800 Millions strong Muslim Ummah.

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