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English Talk

Girlfriend !! Why ??



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Why some people have Girlfriend? Why?
I'm waiting for u

07:31 PM Mar 23 2008 |

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hehe, how interting you are, l am a girl ,l have a boyfriend,l become his lovey girlfriend,l think two people  in love river just so happy ,not have reason ,just for love,l  think he can devote all himself for me ,have my boyfriend l feel so lucky

07:20 AM Jul 19 2008 |

Dan Evans

Dan Evans


someone feels lonely ,sadness,or others,he needs a girl to share these.also,he still shares money happy or others with girl .so he had girlfriend.

02:59 PM Jul 19 2008 |




i think he/she love each other.sex is essential.

03:35 AM Jul 21 2008 |



United States

Keep in mind this guy is from IRAN where sexual freedom is not allowed, so I feel for you. The first person he has sex with is probably his wife. Make sure you find that perfect girl.

04:38 AM Jul 21 2008 |