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English Talk

who would read this article and point out the wrong



Dry-type transformers: The company produced first Europe style Cast resin dry-type transformers up to 35KV (its type is SC9, SCB9, SCB10 series) and Coil dry-type transformers (its type is SCR9, SCR10 series). At the time of complete mature of product Europe style dry-type transformer, we developed non-envelopment dry power transformer which is American style and be made by NOMEX material insulation (its type is SGB10 series ). The company is the most complete in dry-type transformer specifications and whose dry-type transformers be used first in the highland zone –Xizang power substation, and whose  hign capacity dry-type be used with foreign water chilling unit in Nanjing lukou international airport. The kind product has ever received such glories including  National New Product, National Enterprise with User Satisfaction, Brand Product in Jiangxi, Golden Prize for First 届Star of Scientific and Technological in China of International bros ,Brand Product in China, Nation Product Exempted from Inspection, ect.

08:21 AM Aug 02 2008 |

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pink angel

pink angel

Saudi Arabia

 I have read something like these articles about companies that i have applied for a job and i wanted to know  some information about the company to be ready when the call me for the interview to be a ware of every thing that has a relation to the company but i do not think any one else would like to read it . I it is not an interesting kind of articles  

06:21 AM Aug 04 2008 |



what is "lukou"?

10:51 AM Aug 04 2008 |



thanks for your reading the article . it is article which i translate chinese  profile into english. Maybe it is wrong there .The following is the chinese profile:干式变压器:公司于1986年在同行业中率先生产欧式流派35KV级及以下电压等级环氧树脂绝缘浇注式干变(型号为SC9, SCB9,SCB10系列)和缠绕式干变(型号为SCR9,SCR10系列).在欧式流派干变生产完全成熟的同时开发出美式流派由美国杜邦公司NOMEX绝缘材料制成的非包封式干式变压器(型号为SGB(H)10系列).公司是干式变压器产品最齐全厂家,行业中所生产的干式变压器率先使用在高原地区-西藏羊湖电站,大容量干变在南京禄口国际机场率先与国外水冷机组配套使用.该类产品先后获得"国家级新产品","全国用户满意产品","江西名牌产品""首届中国科技之星国际博览会金奖""中国名牌产品"国家免检产品"等荣誉.

07:29 AM Aug 05 2008 |