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ripped off

ripped off

Date: Jul 30 2003


1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.

“Did I get ripped off? Yeah. Jive Records ripped me off. B-Boy Records ripped me off. But my records are in families’ homes. When I get pulled over by the cops, they want autographs.”
- KRS-One, rapper, talking about his music career. (VH1)


1. Definition - Study the definition.

been deprived of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud; didn’t get the value that one expected; had something stolen; had something taken away
Similar terms: “jacked,” “ganked,” “robbed”

2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.

You can use “ripped off” whenever you feel that someone has taken something from you. For example, if you give someone money for something, but they don’t give you what you expected in return, then you got “ripped off.” Or, if you give your time, but aren’t paid very well for it, then you could say you were “ripped off.” There are many different situations in which one could feel ripped off.


1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.

””I can’t believe I paid a thousand dollars for this television. The picture looks terrible. I totally got ripped off. I’m going to return it to the store.”“

””I though that this sewing machine was going to be made of metal, but when it arrived at my house it was all plastic. I feel ripped off because it’s not a good quality sewing machine.”“

””I worked all day for friend’s father and I thought he was going to pay me well, but at the end of the day he only gave me $20. That’s not enough money. He totally ripped me off.”“

””Someone ripped off my car last night! It was parked in front of my house last night, and this morning it was gone.”“


1. Winners - See who guessed the slang definition correctly.

to be ripped off means to be deprived of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud.
by Sibylle (Lucerne, Switzerland)
KRS-One wants to say that he was cheated out by Jive Records and B-Boy Records.
by sunjuno (Algiers, Algeria)
I think here “ripped off” means that KRS-ONE’s Records were swindled, cheated, defrauded, exploited, or stole by someone else.
by Charles (Dongguan, China)
Rip off here means “to exploit, swindle, cheat, or defraud”.
by Sherry (ShenZhen, China)
be cheated. for example, pay more money than it’s really worth, and you can say you are ripped off by the shopkeeper.
by yan (Tianjin, China)
1. defraud; 2. steal
by Liang (Ottawa, Canada)
I think it means when somebody cheat someone of money or property. For example, when I went to Saturday Market, I bought this glass plate for $10. Later I went to a shopping mall and found out that the exact same plate was on the counter. I asked for a retail price for the plate and found that the price was $8. I felt like I got ripped off the other day at the SAT Market.
by Hiro (Chiba, Japan)
Ripped off means overcharging, stealing, act of defrauding.
by Lubna (Karachi, Pakistan)
To rip someone off is to cheat or steal her/him.
by Alfonso (Granada, Spain)
I don’t know the exact meaning – according to the context – I guess that it shoud be steal or take
by song (Xian, China)
trick, cheat
by paola (Lima, Peru)
Rip Off: To charge someone too much for something.
by edmundo israel (Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
Have something of one’s own to be stolen. For example, he got himself ripped off.
by Arcengle (China)
‘get ripped off’ may mean being charged too much.
by lucia (Hong Kong, China)
Rip off means something which costs more than it should.
by Lia (Jundiai- SP, Brazil)
ripped off means you did not get your moneys worth – meaning he could have gotten a better deal some wherelse.
by laura (Corinth, United States)
when someone or some people want to get rid of u, or send u away; or refuse u; this means; they ripped u off
by Dilhun (Istanbul, Turkey)
I think “ripped off” means someone is frustrated by the other.
by Tracy (Hong Kong, China)
I think rip off means to put a person away from something
by Rommel (Quito, Euador)
I think the meanings of ripped out is something strike somebody, make somebody fell sad or something else.
by Puff (SZ, China)

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Saudi Arabia

this my first time read this slang and your explnation was verey good thank you

11:49 AM Oct 28 2007 |

hana vuong

Viet Nam

it is a good phrase for me study

04:09 AM Oct 11 2007 |



i want to learn more

02:08 PM Oct 04 2007 |

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