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Vocabulary - ||

Vocabulary - ||

Date: Sep 29 2007

Topic: Vocabulary

Author: ganesh verma


cacophony (n.) - noise, discordant sound
cadence (n.) - rhythm
cajole (v.) - to urge, coax
callous (adj.) - harsh, cold, unfeeling
calumny (n.) - an attempt to defame another’s reputation
camaraderie (n.) - cheerful unity among a group
canvas (n.) - a piece of cloth on which an artist paints
capricious (adj.) - impulsive, unpredictable, subject to whim
captivate (v.) - to hold the interest of, to gain the attention of
carouse (v.) - to revel, to party
cavity (n.) - a hole
cavort (v.) - to frolic, leap, prance
celestial (adj.) - relating to the sky or the heavens
chastise (v.) - to criticize, to scold
choreographed (adj.) - arranged, as in dance
circumlocution (n.) - indirect language
circumspect (adj.) - cautious
clairvoyant (adj.) - able to see things that others cannot
claustrophobia (n.) - an abnormal fear of closed or crowded spaces
cliché (n.) - a trite, overused expression
coalesce (v.) - to combine into one
cogent (adj.) - intelligent, viable
collusion (n.) - a conspiracy, a secret agreement
colossus (n.) - an enormous structure
comatose (adj.) - lethargic
commendable (adj.) - worthy of praise
commodious (adj.) - spacious, roomy
compel (v.) - to force
complicit (adj.) - being an accomplice in a wrongful act
compliment (n.) - an expression of esteem or approval
concede (v.) - to give in, to accept
conciliatory (adj.) - agreeable, friendly
concoct (v.) - to make up or invent
concord (n.) - agreement
conduit (n.) - a pipe, passage, channel
confluence (n.) - a convergence, a coming together
confound (v.) - to frustrate
connotation (n.) - a meaning or association suggested by a word beyond its definition
contusion (n.) - bruise, injury
convalescence (n.) - the gradual return to health after illness
copious (adj.) - abundant, plentiful
corpulent (adj.) - very fat
cosmopolitan (adj.) - worldly, sophisticated
credulity (n.) - readiness to believe
cursory (adj.) - brief to the point of being superficial
daft (adj.) - insane, foolish
daunting (adj.) - intimidating
dearth (n.) - a lack, scarcity
defame (v.) - to destroy the reputation of
deft (adj.) - skilled, adept
defunct (adj.) - no longer used or existing
deleterious (adj.) - harmful
delude (v.) - to deceive, to mislead
deluge (n.) - a great flood or something that overwhelms like a flood
derelict (adj.) - run-down, abandoned
desolate (adj.) - deserted, lifeless
despondent (adj.) - discouraged, hopeless, depressed
destitute (adj.) - impoverished
diaphanous (adj.) - transparent, light, airy
dictate (v.) - to pronounce, command, prescribe
differentiate (v.) - to distinguish, to make different
dilapidated (adj.) - in a state of disrepair
diligent (adj.) - careful, showing care
diminish (v.) - to decrease or make smaller
diminutive (adj.) - miniature, small
discreet (adj.) - prudent or inconspicuous
discrete (adj.) - separate, distinct, individual
disparage (v.) - to criticize, degrade, belittle
dissonance (n.) - lack of harmony or agreement
divergent (adj.) - different, deviating, contrary
diverse (adj.) - varied
divisive (adj.) - causing conflict, opposition
domicile (n.) - a residence, a home
doppelganger (n.) - a ghostly double of a living person
douse (v.) - to drench, saturate
dutiful (adj.) - careful to fulfill obligations
dynamic (adj.) - characterized by continuous change or activity

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