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Life Talk!

Head Covering or Hijab in Christianity



Iran, Islamic Republic Of


A common misconception is that Muslim women are the only ones who cover their hair. It may be true that Islam is the only religion in which most women follow its directives to cover the hair, but it is not the only religion to have such directives.

It is particularly interesting to look at the case of Christianity, since Christianity is the predominant religion in the West, and it is Westerners, including observant Christians, who are often the first to criticize Islam because of the hijab (modest dress, including headcovering).

Is Covering the Hair a Religious Commandment for Christian Women?

There can be only one answer to this: yes, it is! Simply open the Bible to the First Epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 11. Read verses 3-10.

But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered, disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. For if a woman is not covered, let her be shaven. But if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. A man indeed ought not to cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God. But woman is the glory of man. For man was not created for woman, but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head, because of the angels.

The meaning of this passage is plain enough. We can make the following syllogisms:

Syllogism 1

Praying with an uncovered head is a disgrace

Having a shaved head is the same as praying with an uncovered head

Therefore, having a shaved head is a disgrace

Syllogism 2

If it is a disgrace for a woman to have a shaved head, she should cover her head

It is a disgrace for a woman to have a shaved head – see syllogism 1

Therefore, a woman should cover her head

In other words, the passage means what it says. Have you ever wondered why Catholic nuns dress like they"re wearing hijab (Muslim hijabi women, have you ever been mistaken for a nun? I have, more than once).

Have you ever wondered why Mary the mother of Jesus (peace be upon them both) is always depicted in Christian art with her hair covered? Did you know that until the 1960s, it was obligatory for Catholic women to cover their heads in church (then they "modernized" the service)?

There are some interesting points that can be made about the Christian directive.

1) The explicit purpose of the Christian woman"s head covering, as stated by Paul, is that it is a sign of man"s authority over woman. The explicit purpose of Islamic hijab is modesty. Strange how so many Westerners think that the purpose of hijab is a symbol of male authority.

2) The Christian woman is to cover her head whenever she is praying, whether it be at the church service or just personal prayer at home. This may mean that if she is not praying at home, she is uncovered around male guests who are not related to her; or if she is praying at home, that she is covered around her own husband and family. If any more proof were needed than Paul"s own words that the Christian head covering is not about modesty, this must certainly be it!

This puts hijab (head covering) in a whole new perspective, doesn"t it! To my non-hijabi Muslim sister who feels that hijab is a sign of oppression for the Muslim female, please do read the above and then read the Quran. Believe me, if Allah SWT meant for hijab to be a sign of male authority, the Quran would be as unambiguous about it as Paul is in the Bible. Isn"t this difference the kind of thing that attracted you to Islam in the first place?

Do Any Christian Women Today Cover Their Heads?

It is true that most Christian women do not, and many don"t take other teachings of the Bible (against pre-marital sex, adultery, etc) literally either. However, there do seem to be a growing number of Christian women out there who are committed to following the Bible as it is written.

Christian Women wearing Head covering and practicing what it says in Bible:

Below are some of the Picture and comments of our Christian sister who practices according to bible teaching. I have manage to get the details from one of the website.

Source is: Charming the Birds from the Trees

Other Link:


Bible Verses regarding Head Covering

History of Hijab or Head covering

03:19 PM May 08 2008 |

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M. Augustus

United States

I've said it elsewhere, and I'll repeat it here.  What's best for women is CHOICE.  I have no problem with women who choose to wear the veil.  I have a problem with governments who force women to wear the veil if they do not WANT to.

On the subject of rape, it happens, and it is a terrible tragedy.  But saying it's because the women dressed immodestly is part of the ludicrous, condemnable 'blame-the-victim' mentality.  It's not a womans' fault for MAKING a man rape her – it's the man's fault, entirely.

02:40 PM May 15 2008 |




M.AUGUST…”it’s not woman’s fault for making man rape her, It’s man’s fault!”. Yeah..U’re correct! Basicaly That is man’s fault who has mentally sick! And woman’s dress style just contribute his stupid act!

06:09 PM May 15 2008 |



Dear Hano,

61% of all rape cases involve under 18 and 29% of all rapes occoured the victim was 11years old…..

What maasage you get from these lines,I feel man is more responssible for rapes rather than woman,it has nothing to do with hijab,because in last 29% cases the victims were child from whom we can't expect any hijab,Hijab would have to be followed only after maturity of woman to sex ,so it is not that exposed face or hands of  woman are responsible for rapes.

It.s man responsible for rape,but it's not his fault,when a man matures to sex , a biological desire comes in him to have sex.

Our social system more responsible for rapes rather than 'Hijab',do you know any society where people don't know 'What is rape ?' 

12:53 AM May 16 2008 |




HALA – Finally Thanks to allah that he saves muslims by his orders???

What is that? According to U Allah (god) saves only those who follow islam???

So according to u an athist who helps poor people , old people out of his kindness goes to hell????

What will happen to non- muslims according to u?

05:39 AM May 16 2008 |



Saudi Arabia

of course (devindernagpal) you said :"man more responsible" because you are man. I want to ask u when you see women with sea cloths and women with Hijaab . which categories you will stare at as a man?

 M. Augustus, any goverment make the Hijaab compulsory is muslim goverment  moreover it is care about women and want to protect her..like my country saudi arabia

05:56 AM May 16 2008 |



Saudi Arabia

we are talking about Head covering..remember!!

06:02 AM May 16 2008 |



Dear Hano,

It has proved psychlogically that when something is behind some curtain or banned man becomes more & more iterested in uncovering or experimenting that.Is there no rape in mouslim society who follow 'Hijab',I don't know ,however I am convinced by my own thought that rapes happen in mouslim societies also.

But I heard of one area where people don't know any rape,even they have not heard what rape is. 

05:43 PM May 16 2008 |




All muslims women have tı cover themselves with hijab.

We see women have became goods,toys in tv,newspaper,advirtisement.

they use women even selling car,bank advirtisements.

naked women are not happy.but they try to believe that they are happy.

05:53 PM May 16 2008 |



birgul,why advertiser use the photo of naked woman to advertise their product?.it is just because man likes to see naked woman,it happens only due to the fact that man want to see throgh that hole where it is written'to see through this hole is prohibited',it becomes a point of attraction for all of us& warning works as invitation.

Sex is prohibted in our society so rapes happen & 'hijab' can't stop that.

06:09 PM May 16 2008 |





you and other socities can undress your women not to invite man to rape.

but we,all muslims dress our women to obey our Allah who created us,so,Allah knows the best.

06:18 PM May 16 2008 |