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Life Talk!

)pics(Today ..they destroied the hospitals and killed the patients


Saudi Arabia

Today ..they destroied the hospitals and killed the patients


08:25 AM Dec 28 2008 |

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shame on us muslims….we still afread they say we r terrorists..i feel my heart twisted…

09:15 AM Dec 28 2008 |

lady of virtues

Saudi Arabia

shame on isreals and shame on all who support it…..


 do not blame muslims osesame …

yes isreal r terrorists ..and criminals and killeres of Prophets

11:03 AM Dec 28 2008 |




"do not blame muslims osesame "
how…...then i blame israeel….for our shamful situation…

12:13 PM Dec 28 2008 |


Saudi Arabia



what ?

06:22 PM Dec 28 2008 |


Saudi Arabia

06:37 PM Dec 28 2008 |




I was going to write a topic on this matter but you beat me to it

I don't know how the world work!!!!

when one israelian soldier was kept hostage they entred in a war with lebanon cos thier soldier is a person he deserved to fight for him, and every person ( authority) rushed to say israel has the right to protect and clam the soldier even if it meant killing millions of persons and destroying half of a country

and now 300 person but palestinian persons has died in these last 2 days with almost a million wonded parson , and still  no respons so whatever  , we always hide in the shadow waiting for israel to stop from her self  afraid from "her mother" , just watching the news seeing people diyng others dead like it is a normal thing and saying what can we do , it's not in our hands .our biggiest betrayal is to watch the terific murders and not react , and believe me it is as bad as if  we were the killers ourselves

now at last forgive my mistakes  and if you know a way that can let us react in any way , please share it with us , GOD halp our brothers and sister in ghasa , peace

10:35 PM Dec 28 2008 |




No one to defend muslims?

Who is supposed to defend them?

Let's go back to the sunnah of our beloved Mohamed (pbuh) and find out the answer.



08:45 AM Dec 29 2008 |


Saudi Arabia


10:56 AM Dec 29 2008 |