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Life Talk!

would you still believe?



Just for a moment, entertain the possibility that scientists could disprove a particular religious beleif. 


IF scientists disproved your religious belief, would you still continue to beleive, despite the scientific evidence against it?  

06:15 PM Aug 28 2009 |

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yeah…n till now…he always feel beautiful
Do u think so? coz i don't, hahahaLaughing

11:41 AM Sep 01 2009 |





a theory is a theory and we just hope for a more accurate one taking care of all aspects of life.this civilization has a tendency to deal with everything as things even human.

what i know is that adam was created from earth and 'atwaran' means by steps.it's sure that he has never been an ape as there's a main difference between animals and humans which is the mind and the fact that we have an aim on this earth.

concerning aliens, it astonished me how you can have such an opinion.it's said in the coran that there are what we don't know in this universe and most islamic scientists believe that we are not alone in it.

from my own experience : when we are young ,we should mainly collect knowledge and criticise our own convictions.it's not time to act ,it's time to understand.

it has happened to me that i doubted my society's convictions and studying other religions made me return to islam and search more to understand more.and,what i have understood is that most  muslims nowadays don't understand islam and don't live it(this is due to some historical reasons).when islam is not a behaviour,it's just an awful image. 

11:44 AM Sep 01 2009 |




where were u from long time?Smile

11:45 AM Sep 01 2009 |




Your question can be rephrased like that : « Is it essential to think from a scientific point of view to find the truth?”
Science is not the only source of truth. There are many ways to find truth such as religion, philosophy and culture.
Science can be seen as just a way of gaining information, so religion and philosophy can also be regarded as a way of gaining knowledge.

Your question is also wrong. It is like pointing religion against science  and this is wrong. Most of atheists argue with us suggesting that logic has replaced religion and they are match to each other, but those two can complement each other. They are not rivals. Besides that, no matter how science is useful to humanity, life itself is not science. Life is desires, hopes, love, hate, friendship…ect

Asking such questions means you eliminate other ways of finding truth just like Dawkins who says that any truth lays outside of science should be dismissed as fantasy. I think he likes the truth of  Dostoyevsky’s dictum :’’ If God is not, everything is permitted."

11:45 AM Sep 01 2009 |





it was summer and holidays and i had the chance to pass days in a magical place far from home and we received a lot of guests,too.


it's true that science is not the only source of truth and it's a way among others to find the truth.every one of us has his own way ,but the most important is that all these ways are complementry and compatible.

science is  a tool that we mustn't ignore and we must know that only scientific facts should be compared with religion facts.all in the universe is in concordance with eachother and the spirit of rivality is a wrong way of creating conflicts.

12:09 PM Sep 01 2009 |




djouzi,to get knowledge ,we should see several sources and if you can read about 'ali3jaz alilmi'in the coran you'll find many things and many point of views .

and, i know that some of them are made of thechnology and how do you know that 1percent of traces are those of jinns?!!!and do you believe of those stories of jinns?!!!jinns are just creatures that we have no ability to see and  no right to talk about their deeds  since we have no concrete proof.some muslims have a tendency to explain all what they don't understand by jinns and this is not neither a logical way nor a honest one.

i'll write here the verses you want to know about the existence of other creatures in the universe.in those matters the coran just gives allusions in order that people be free to search and discover the universe by themselves.in those matters we shouldn't give a final opinion because the  future will approve or disapprove it. 

"تسبح له السماوات و الارض و من فيهن"

"و لله يسجد ما في السماوات وما في الارض من دابة و الملائكة"

"قل لا يعلم من في السماوات و الارض الغيب الا الله و ما يشعرون ايان يبعثون"

 they are :1)sourate al israa

2)al nahl

3)al naml


01:33 PM Sep 01 2009 |




you can't agree on such things and illogical explanations are what  some muslims like nowadays especially in societies where ignorance  and myth are the masters.they talk about jinns with great arrogance and they like to believe in their stories.a muslim must base his convictions only on truth'اليقين" and it's dishonest to deal with a supositions as a truth.

what i know is that the  last day is in the hands of god and we don't know what will happen eccept what is  in the coran or in the suna.some muslims even send email explaining this day as if they were present and knows the feelings of others!it's so subjective!!

i prefer to deal with what i really understand ,feel and see as our business is to do our best in this life. may god help us in our learning.

02:01 PM Sep 01 2009 |



what a weird answer. dont you think so gkiss? the atheist minority deny them but as we see they make the world go down. they ll also be a majority a day. Mohammad said that 1400 years ago.


You find the verses to be undeniably true, but most of the world's population (all non-muslims, and not only atheists) disagree with you. Maybe you're right. Maybe someday in the future, the majority of the world will embrace Islam. But tht is not evidence for it being true or right.  

06:04 PM Sep 01 2009 |



there are so many open evidences of God but how do you want to see them with your mostly 15% used brain space? The verses of God are very open and clear to understand them. I don't have any doubts about them. You believe they are wrong. If they are wrong, what Muslims lose then? and the next question is If they are true, what will you do? Will you hope Dawkins to save you from the "fire" ?

09:02 PM Sep 01 2009 |



You know more about the verses than me, so tell me what will happen if I am wrong. 

09:16 PM Sep 01 2009 |