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Kosovo - land of Serbs



Russian Federation

In the West – and the United States of America and its European allies – so intolerant of Yugoslavia and to the people that produce it the nation? Why Christians Serbs throughout the twentieth century, persecuted and slaughtered with the blessing and with the direct complicity of Western Christians? – The answer is simple: people who over time polutysyacheletnego Turkish Muslim domination did not change any of the Orthodox faith, no love for the Fatherland, not kneeled down in front of either the Crusaders or before omusulmanivshimisya and okatolichivshimisya tormentors-apostates, such people for a "new world order" is dangerous .

Here in the 50 years of internationalists and "break the back of great-serbstvu" and in the 90 – to encourage the Bosnian, Croatian, Albanian and other separatists, dragging away at pieces of an ancient Serbian land, armed intervention supported aggression of the Bosnian Muslims and Croatian Catholics against Orthodox republic Serbian Krajina. Now Kosovo – an ancient land of the Serbian military glory, a concentration of religious shrines and … natural larder non-ferrous metals: nickel, silver, lead, zinc – tidbit for transnational corporations.

Is a fact, told the Belgrade weekly "NIN". The Serbian army had just retreated from Kosovo, and their place was taken by the British "peacekeepers". At one of the lead-zinc mines ore mining complex in the village Trepca unit came under the command of Major Nicholson. Their first action was the dispersal of the Serbian administration of the mine and qualified staff (9 / 10 Serbs were forced to permanently leave their jobs). Followed the election administration of the mine from among the remaining Albanians arrived … "peacekeepers." Albanians themselves because of incompetence to manage the mine will not. And Major's emerging capitalist-hardly suitable for building ore mining industry edge. This leads to an obvious conclusion that the British were following orders from the collapse of the Serbian economy in the province – in the part that has not been able to bomb – and preparing to absorb the wealth of this land "their". (Trepca before the Second World War was controlled by British capital).

Here's another fact. ITAR-TASS referring to Germany's independent charitable organization Cap Anamur said that the barbaric destruction of the cultural landscape of Kosovo, carried out by Albanian terrorists, is a focused and systematic. This is especially true for acts of vandalism against the Orthodox churches, monasteries and monuments of Serbian culture. And Germanic peacekeeping force in south-western province of this destruction tolerated. In other words, in concert with NATO, the guardians of human values "Albanian terrorists are trying to destroy all traces of the Serb presence in Kosovo.

And the third fact of Belgrade "Izvestia": "Arrival at the head of the UN in Kosovo, former French Health Minister Bernard Kouchner, did not promise anything good. By the way, Mr. Kouchner, a French Jew who, along with several influential Parisian intellectuals, Bernard Henri Levy, Alain Finkelkrotom, Andre Glucksmann, also of Jewish origin, in the early nineties headed the campaign to demonize the Serbs appearance in the West. "

Western peacekeepers marginalize the Serbs from Kosovo of economic management. Protected them Albanian extremists expelled Serbs and killed. And direct the authorized representative of the new world order, while the worst enemy of the Serbs "intellectual" Kouchner.

Still can not defeat the Serbs. As the Serbian philosopher Jean Poznanovich: "The Serb Orthodox warrior born and must die to them. In the sense of his personal life and the whole essence of the national idea."

With that few people do not agree. During the Second World War, the Serbs only nation that his forces liberated teretorii 3 quarters.

06:09 PM Feb 23 2010 |

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United Kingdom

Maybe if the Serbs hadn't launched several wars and massacres against the Kosovo Albanians, who form the majority there anyway, they might still be running it.

Instead they chose war, they lost, end of story.

08:13 PM Feb 23 2010 |



Serbs are the real owners of Kosovo  cuz it's their historical land … they're there before Albanian muslins  ... and who asked for war were muslim kosovars,they wanted the secession so they asked for it … Kosovo belongs to orthodox serbs and not to opportunist albanians that stole the serbian land ….. hope someday kosovo will become a christian land again like spain became after 8 centuries under muslin domination …...

04:55 AM Feb 24 2010 |