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Life Talk!

what's happened in Libya




Every moning when I turned on television,the news about Libya’s War came into my ears.What’s happened in Libya? The bombing toward Libya has last for almost four months, and finally does the problem be saved? Does the Libyans gain their freedom and human’s rights? No, as much as I learned that more and more civilians were killed , nor were they killed by their gun powders. The truth was that those people died from NATO’s bombing.

    Most sadly, those innocent refugees from other counties became sacrifies to this heinous War. I don’t stand on Qaddfai’s side, Qaddfai’s regime should be turned over, but also NATO made a immora mistake. Should NATO show their military power to save Libyans? I think taking other measures are avilable. Why should they take a hand in this War? Something the humanbeings can change it , and something we can’t, the better way is that let God select and change.

06:13 AM May 24 2011 |

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complete mess

12:24 PM May 24 2011 |



Saudi Arabia

Many innocent people go  because  this  crazy 
 why  he is  persedent
why  this  that  even  crazy that he can become president

06:00 PM May 24 2011 |




if the Arab presidents are the garbages,why not you dump them by yourself? As a chinese man ,I only believe: depend on myself.if those presents are wolves,you successfully expel them out,and are  you sure that a tiger won’t come in? I am not stubborn, change is good,no changes no progress.But I mean that hold the power in your own hand,your people have no real friends in this world.

02:53 AM May 25 2011 |




hello,Ryo ,do you know how much is a missile dropped to Libya? Each costs 2,000,000 US dollars. these money is not used to save people,although in this world so many people are still starving,so many people still live in struggle for earn family,the purpose of these money is to deprive of other lifes.

03:17 AM May 25 2011 |




The money were invested in newer technologies for creating new powerful weapons, so they have not been spent in vain. Reptilians don’t think like us.

06:01 AM May 25 2011 |



Saudi Arabia

I’m not   good watcher   news
I am very sensitive

so maybe  nit undsrtand what  the new 

 The missile could be used in a good thing
Sending space
And explore
And can be  as a bad thing like 
 hurt  others 

04:11 PM May 25 2011 |