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The Beatles

The Beatles

Date: Oct 12 2009

Themes: Music

Grammar: Direct vs. Reported Speech


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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You hardly ever hear anyone say they don’t like The Beatles. If they do, they’re probably just trying to get attention or be difficult.

In the U.S., the Beatles have sold more records than any other artist. According to Rolling Stone magazine, they are the greatest band of all time. Girls still get crushes on them, and guys who want to look cute still try to copy their famous mop-tops. Their music helped define a generation, and it’s still influential today.

OK, so we all love the Beatles. But do we really need to own another Beatles album? Find out if Marni and Devan will be rushing out to buy the new Beatles boxed set.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Devan:  My friend that works at a record store told me that the day that they released all 12 of the Beatles albums, the digitally remastered ones, she said that people were lined up around the block waiting to get them.

Marni:  Really? Wow!

Devan:  It’s amazing to me that there is still such a huge following and love for the Beatles after all these years.

Marni:  Yeah. I mean they clearly are just pioneers that have staying power.

Devan:  Yeah. And they just had that Rock Band thing come out too.

Marni:  Exactly.

Devan:  I feel like Rock Band is targeted towards a younger generation, so do you feel like even the younger generations will still be listening to the Beatles?

Marni:  Well, I think it’s interesting that they did that, because it seems like a way to reach younger fans, you know, an audience that may not have been exposed to their music. Now they can access it through Rock Band. So I think it’s sort of a way to bridge generations in a way, I think it’s kinda interesting. But you know, I think the box set sounds fabulous, and remastering those old songs…they sure sound great.

Devan:  Yeah, too bad it costs 200 bucks though.

Marni:  It’s expensive.


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All 12 of the Beatles’ studio albums were recently released as a boxed set. The albums were digitally remastered to improve their sound quality. There’s also a new Rock Band video game that allows you to play along with Beatles songs.

Devan and Marni are impressed by how much staying power the Beatles have. They’ve been around since the 1960s and sold millions and millions of records. Even younger people know and like them.

Why do you think the Beatles have so much staying power? Do you think any bands of today will still be popular in 50 years?



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Fair enough, classic is classic.

01:41 AM Oct 12 2009 |




It is hard for me to name a old band ,I mean the band came out in like 1980s or much earlier, which still have staying power,except The Beatles.  Their songs are definitely classic, and their mop-tops are still influential today.Why do they have staying power today? Well,I think they are the spirit,the melody ,the love, the imagination that their songs take to us.Whenever I hear the Beatles, I feel like I am brought into a peace and  lovely world where all the pains are gone.

01:33 AM Oct 12 2009 |

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