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Walking Out of Movies

Walking Out of Movies

Date: Jan 20 2010

Themes: Hobbies

Grammar: Conditionals with "Unless"


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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Saying no is hard. We don’t want to cause trouble, hurt anyone’s feelings, or be a bother. So we end up going to parties we don’t really want to attend, paying for meals we don’t enjoy, and sitting through movies that make us want to jump out of our seats and run from the theater.

The alternative is to walk out. Just say no to bad movies. There are some people who have no problem with leaving the theater in the middle of a film and even demanding their money back, but for most, a movie has to be absolutely unbearable before they’ll cut out. Find out if Dale or Jason has ever skipped out on a bad movie.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Jason:  Hey man, would you ever walk out of a movie?

Dale:  I would never walk out of a movie unless it was painfully boring.

Jason:  Yeah, like so boring that you forget…you can’t stop thinking about your life?

Dale:  Yeah, and what am I going to do next, just constantly looking and trying to figure it out. There’s been borderline movies where I’m actually at the theater thinking if I’m going to step up and get out. I’m debating, am I going to get a refund? Would I complain to the cashier? Do I just walk out completely? Where am I gonna go afterward?

Jason:  Totally.

Dale:  So I just kind of accept the fact that if I’m in a bad movie, I might as well just stay through it and take it like a man.

Jason:  And just stick it out. That’s usually what I do. I feel like…I don’t know, I always feel like “I’ve invested this much time, I might as well see how it ends,” just so I can say I saw the movie. Every now and then I’m tempted to just cut out and just get out of there.

Dale:  Cut your losses.

Jason:  But I just can’t do it. I’ve never done it. Have you ever…?

Dale:  I’ve never walked out.

Jason:  I’ve seen people do it. So it happens.

Dale:  It happens. I’ve heard it. I think I’ve heard somebody walk out on Nacho Libre once.

Jason:  I can see that.


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Neither Jason nor Dale has ever walked out of a movie. Dale has considered leaving in the middle of a movie before, but it always seems easier to stay in the theater and stick it out. It can be embarrassing or uncomfortable to ask the cashier for your money back, and if you already made plans to see a movie, you might not want to change them.

Jason has been tempted to walk out of movies before, too. But he feels like it would be a waste of time to not finish watching a movie if he’s already seen part of it. Both he and Dale have seen other people walk out of movies before. They just can’t imagine doing it themselves, unless the movie was so bad it was actually painful to watch.

Have you ever walked out of a movie before? Why? Do you think it is rude?



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To see films in the theater is quite well,so I love it!

02:20 PM Jan 21 2010 |




I haven't walked out of a movie yet and I'm surely not gonna walk out even the movie is painfully boring. I've been in a theater for so many times and most of the time my friends chose of what movie to watch, not me. Yes some movie makes me go nuts, but I didn't walked out, I didn't sleep either.

11:55 AM Jan 21 2010 |

Mebal Lee

Mebal Lee



before watching a movie, I will see who direct it or check reviews on it.  

08:58 AM Jan 21 2010 |



Russian Federation

I haven't walked out of and i haven't walked out on a movie but i would surely do it if the movie were unbearable. And i think it's not rude to cut out the flic unless you was invited by director of the film and he is sitting near you))) 

08:58 PM Jan 20 2010 |



United States

I never walk out of movies because  I always try to read reviews to  know if It will be a good movie.

08:42 PM Jan 20 2010 |

s id

Saudi Arabia

  i never watch any movie unless my friends recommend it . 

08:34 PM Jan 20 2010 |




some movies seem bad at beggining so i usually don't decide ealier that a film is bad..most films i have watched so far turned out to be very shocking or exciting at the end:D

07:35 PM Jan 20 2010 |



I never walk out a movie, but i think this is commun because if the movie is bad, I will not watch… or I will sleep hhhahaha

07:25 PM Jan 20 2010 |




Utter honestly, last film I watch in movie and deemed to be boring was "Armageddon" with Bruce Willis. I didn't walk out, I just slept… Oops… I feel like somebody blaming me right now… sorry if I touched someone's feeling, it's just my personal opinion. :) All I wanted to say is that every movie can be considered as boring and exciting at the same time. There have always been and there will be people who walking out of a movie whether we like it or not. Anyway, it's rude. I think if came to thether, movie… whatever, you should be prepered and strong enough to handle it till the end :)...

06:01 PM Jan 20 2010 |




Great lesson. It's "Walking out ON a movie" though, which actually changes the meaning. "Walking out OF a movie" could mean anything from going to the restroom to getting more popcorn. Whereby "Walking out ON a movie" suggests that it basically sucks and you can't stand it anymore.

03:46 PM Jan 20 2010 |




I will cut out if it's very boring, otherwise I'm wasting my time.

03:02 PM Jan 20 2010 |



Dominican Republic

i havent walked out of a movie b4,what i did once was fell asleep because it was quite boring… :/

12:45 PM Jan 20 2010 |



Dominican Republic

i wouldnt walk out of a movie unless i could get my money back.   :)

12:43 PM Jan 20 2010 |




in fact I've never walked out of a movie…. but sometimes I feel like I had to get out of a really boring class heheheh XD… actually, I've never done this before :)

12:29 PM Jan 20 2010 |



Anthony's words are mine. lol

11:48 AM Jan 20 2010 |


United States

1. I would only go to see a movie when someone recommand it.

2. I wouldn't walk out of movies even it was bad, because I'd like to see the end of it, and how awful it could be.

11:25 AM Jan 20 2010 |




sometimes I want to skip out on parts I do not like.

05:32 AM Jan 20 2010 |

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