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turning point

turning point

Date: Nov 17 2011

Themes: Work


1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.

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“My first movie was a real turning point for me. It immediately gave me a career.”

- Actor Ryan Gosling talking about getting his start as an actor. (Us Weekly)

- 演员瑞恩·高斯林 (Ryan Gosling) 谈论他出道当演员时的情景时说。(《美国周刊》)


1. Definition - Study the definition.

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moment in time when things change

2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.

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When you are driving and you come to a bend in a road, you have to turn. After you make the turn, you’re no longer driving in the same direction.

In the same way, when you reach a turning point in your life, your life goes in a new direction. After this turning point, things are different for you. You’ve made some sort of major change.

For the actor Ryan Gosling, the big turning point in his life was when he starred in his first film. Before that, he was not a well-known actor. But after he did his first movie, his life headed in a new direction. He was on his way to becoming a star.

There are certain turning points that most of us experience, such as graduating from school, getting a first job, getting married or having a child. These turning points lead to a new stage in life.

But then there are those turning points that are unique to you. They’re the moments in your life that helped make you who you are. What are the major turning points in your life?


1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.

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“I think this new car is going to be a turning point for me. Everything’s going to get better now, right? “

“Studying abroad was a real turning point in Sam’s life. It opened his world.”

“Graduating from high school is a major turning point in most students’ lives.”


1. Winners - See who guessed the slang definition correctly.

Bojana the moment when everything changes, when the course of events change
by Bojana
jerryjeff It's a radical,mostly beneficial change in a person's life. An unforgetable event or opportunity
by jerryjeff
englishty It means something happen to you and because it your life kind of changes
by englishty
ahmadmoon I think it means : stage where things change and begin again .
by ahmadmoon
wwongsapun A point at which there is a change in direction or motion
by wwongsapun
Veta_JD in this context - a serious changing of anyone's life
by Veta_JD
IsaaBelaxD it can be like a decisive moment in the life of the person.
by IsaaBelaxD
dearpesar something that changes your idea, behavior and attitude
by dearpesar
cubi1604 An important moment or point that completely changes your life
by cubi1604

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every one have a different experience in his life , for me ,the big turning points in my life was when i was a little boy , a terrible thing happened in my famaily have made me unforget forever , from then on , my character be changed , didnt want to communicate with other pp , i don’t participated in some activities which be active by class or friends until i went to university ,after my first term of university ,i gradually talked much with other and joined in some social activities with classmates ,at the same time ,made me realized the importance of communicating with outside of world ,and opened up my heart that had been silent  as well ….....

08:26 AM Nov 17 2011 |

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La Princesse de la vie


a turning point !!

i think every event through my life is a turning point whether it’s pleasing or sad, as they all affect me and affect my life.

but the real turning point for me will be this year when i finish my high school and join the faculty that i wish to join.

that would determine all my life later.

08:19 AM Nov 17 2011 |

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Saudi Arabia

Many things in my mind but what I can post here is, the change that, when I had changed the specialty, it was big huge change in my study. good to have turning point when it’s lead us in the right direction.

08:04 AM Nov 17 2011 |



it gives you achance to think deeply

07:57 AM Nov 17 2011 |





07:33 AM Nov 17 2011 |




I am waiting for my point to turn, j live the same way, study, play! Future is still far, sometimes I just want to turn this way or that way, but I guess I need time for it, everything need process. Just keep doing the best, there will be time my turning point in my life.

07:31 AM Nov 17 2011 |

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To be or not to be,it‘s a question!

07:28 AM Nov 17 2011 |




Doing something that you’ve ever done before and that make your life changes

05:35 AM Nov 17 2011 |


selvgaliSuper Member!


My big turning point was when I got married. Because of the need of getting a good job for supporting my family and having not good results, instead of doing what I studied for, I raised my own bussines. I was supposed to work for an Electricity Companie, but I had a chance to start selling curtains, blinds and shades etc and I took it, and now I am a bussinesman.

04:50 AM Nov 17 2011 |



a significant chance which will never appear again in one’s life

02:35 AM Nov 17 2011 |




Changes are necessary in Life. Life would be more colorful with some changes

02:11 AM Nov 17 2011 |

i love life

Palestinian Territory, Occupied

for me I think the most important turning point in my life was when I decide to complete my studies really it was a good decision for me

generally I have a lot of turning point in my mind because I live in palestine there are a lot scenes in our memory I cant forget how is my friend die front my eyes as the same time I cant to express about what I want to say for turning point our lives including many of turning point for example when happened the war in 2006 against gaza city this war left 1500 person killed and more 5000 injury and 20000 houses destroy and demolish

really all thing bad memories was horrible in our minds

this is makes us find to a new turning point of fight against occupation

here the life different here the life has another tasty here you another person

we have many turning point for example we aspire to achieve dream of palesine in obtain on state will be a big turning point

I always prefer on the person to challeange this life for get on a new way in order to reach to her or his goal

01:58 AM Nov 17 2011 |

wendy zou


First job makes me continue the same category. So this is my a real turning point.

01:39 AM Nov 17 2011 |

wendy zou


First job makes me continue the same category. So this is my a real turning point.

01:39 AM Nov 17 2011 |

wendy zou


 Graduating high school was a real turning point in my life.Then i had  my first  job.

01:30 AM Nov 17 2011 |

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