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Sleeping In
Sleeping In

Learn English: Meaning of Sleeping In

Date: Mar 26 2019

Themes: Health, Time

Grammar: Phrasal Verbs


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When you’re tired or haven’t been sleeping well, the best feeling is to get extra time to lounge in bed. It’s always great to sleep in when you don’t have to wake up at a specific time. Whether it’s a few more minutes or an hour or two, getting more rest in your comfy bed is such a great feeling.

Our lives are so busy and we always seem to be on a schedule. So it’s a real treat to not have something to do and just lie in bed for as long as you like. When you do finally feel like you’re ready to begin your day, you feel more relaxed and ready to get things done.

Jessica tells Gary about how she’s been sleeping in more often. Find out more in today’s English lesson about using the snooze button.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Gary:  So, you’ve been sleeping in more?

Jessica:  I have been sleeping in more. I used to be an early morning person. And now I just like to lounge and lay in bed. It’s so comfy.

Gary:  I guess I wake up with the sun. I’m an early riser.

Jessica:  Are you?

Gary:  And also, I’m such a light sleeper.

Jessica:  Oh, really?

Gary:  If our neighbors are making any noise, I’ll actually wake up to it. So, if they’re making breakfast, my mind just says, “Hey, get up! It’s time to go eat!”

Jessica:  I wish I could just wake up when I saw the sun or heard noises outside. I got in the habit of hitting snooze too many times. And then I’m usually groggy if I do get up too early.

Gary:  So the bed is a bit of a refuge for you from the world?

Jessica:  Exactly. Yes.

Gary:  It’s nice to escape. I’ve had a hard time sleeping in. I’ve actually tried. And I just can’t do it.

Jessica:  I’ll give you some pointers.


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Jessica has started to sleep in more often. Her bed is just so comfy and it’s a great feeling to keep sleeping in the morning. Sometimes she does wish that she could wake up a little earlier, but getting more sleep just feels so nice that she’s trying to get Gary to sleep in more often.

Gary says that he’s a light sleeper and can’t sleep in. When he hears his neighbors making breakfast, it wakes him. He’s an early riser and usually gets up with the sun. He tells Jessica that he’s tried to sleep in, but woke up anyway.

Do you like sleeping in? How often do you use the snooze button?



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I don`t have an alarm clock or better said i have one but occasionally i use the radio mode.  I rely on  the” internal clock that faithfully wakes me up at five o`clock in the morning . I can not sleep in,  it  must be that i don`t have a” love affair with the bed”  . I wish i could be more time,  specially in winter  when  i am neatly tucked in and in the arms of morpheous , but impossible, i have to get up and go to the kitchen to fix me a coffee . 

12:22 PM Mar 18 2015 |

habiba 18

habiba 18


i’m just like jessica x( maybe worst cause i hit the snooze button unconsciously and not even remembering doing that when i wake up so i get late , aaah that’s so frustrating ! i hate liking sleeping so much :/

10:53 AM Mar 18 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Sleeping is very very important for everyone and sometime you can’t sleep well maybe you’ll be hallucinating or the words & pictures will be too blurry. I recommend you If you wanna have better feelings about, watch Sleeplessness from Al Pacino. It’s fantastic…

08:39 AM Mar 18 2015 |



Sri Lanka

Usually, I’m so exhausted at the end of the day that I sleep like a log at nights. No turning and tossing, no nightmares and no sleepwalking and killing people like in movies.

However, I drag myself out of the bed when I hear my son’s wake-up-mummy cry in the mornings. I really can’t ignore or use the snooze button on this alarm clock.




Iran, Islamic Republic Of

,I’m a deep sleeper and if don’t have stress about something can sleep  more than 10 hours in day and I remember when I went to  travel and I can’t sleep enough when I back to home I slept ulmost  15 hours, believe me :-) 

05:34 AM Mar 18 2015 |




I hope i can sleeping in ,like gary ,i am a light sleeper,an early riser and get up with the sun.It’s hard for me to enter deep sleep mode.Any noise will wake me up and too difficult to sleep again.

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