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Optimism vs. Pessimism
Optimism vs. Pessimism

Learn English in this lesson about optimism and pessimism

Date: Dec 03 2019

Grammar: Present Progressive Tense


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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Do you think life is good? Do you feel bad about life? If you answered yes to the first question, you might be an optimist. If you answered yes to the second question, you could be a pessimist. Maybe you answered yes to both! Like many people, you feel optimistic sometimes and pessimistic sometimes.

It can be hard to keep a positive outlook when bad things happen. You might feel sad and discouraged. Maybe you need to boost your spirits by doing your favorite hobby. Maybe you need to spend some time with your family. You could also talk to a friend.

Marni is feeling pessimistic today. Listen to Marni and Gary talk about optimism versus pessimism.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Marni:  Oh, Gary.

Gary:  What’s up?

Marni:  I just feel like the world is against me.

Gary:  Oh, no.

Marni:  I’m really having a glass half empty kind of day.

Gary:  I’m sorry. Are you feeling discouraged from something specific?

Marni:  You know, I just feel like life is beating me down a little bit. I used to be more optimistic. I used to be like you. But now I just see all the negative things happening in the world and I just think, “What’s the point?”

Gary:  Sometimes, it’s really hard to see the good in people. I think our society just does a really good job of reminding us of all the bad things happening. But we really do live in this really hopeful place, with wonderful things happening that people are doing to save lives, to clean up the environment…

Marni:  That’s what I love about you. You see everything in a positive light… a totally glass half full kind of guy. I need your positive energy to boost my spirits.

Gary:  Glad I could help!

Marni:  Thanks.


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Marni is having a bad day. She feels sad and gloomy because of the bad things happening in the world. She says she used to be more optimistic, but now it is hard for her to feel that way.

Gary agrees that sometimes it is hard to feel optimism. However, he reminds Marni that there are a lot of good things happening in the world. People are working together to help each other and the environment. Gary’s positive energy helps Marni feel better.

Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? What do you do when you feel sad?



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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I am a optimist because I know how to make the best out of every situation ,,  and I can cheer myself and others up when feeling sad ❤️❤️❤️

08:24 AM Dec 07 2015 |




I have witnessed the power of optimism more than pessimism. The way we perceive things that exist inside and outside of ourselves shape our moods. It is not easy to say someone to be optimistic while facing hard times; however, one should present his optimistic vision and turn his desperation into optimism no matter what happens. Then everything gets easier. 

06:59 AM Dec 07 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

It often happened to me when a person paid a compliment but then pessimism came along and considered it ironic, and what a deep regret to lose a potential friend over some rotten thoughts.

And just like Marni, there are some days that I get up on the wrong side of the bed and feel that even God have something against me.

06:41 AM Dec 07 2015 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Good or bad?

Every where u must choice that?!

But look good to everything!

But not all time!

06:40 AM Dec 07 2015 |

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

sometimes i am optimistic in depend on my position 

05:14 AM Dec 07 2015 |

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Basically , before compromise both of them we should say what is destiny ?
Desponds on family , education .
If the people want to be optimistic before they should have had good family and high eduction .
Against that there is pessimism which very easily to understand its meaning .
The life is same for everyone but if there is person who camplains for life we could say they are pessimism and other hand the life is very good people should be optimis .

03:12 AM Dec 07 2015 |

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