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What does "off the hook" mean?

Vocabulary Word: off the hook

1. Definition (expr.) very good, great, cool

Examples The new Destiny’s Child CD is off the hook. I love it!

Examples The new Destiny’s Child CD is off the hook. I love it!

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2. Definition (expr.) very good, awesome, excellent

Examples Your new car is off the hook. Is it a Mercedes?

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3. Definition (expr.) good, great, cool, awesome; not responsible, not to blame, not at fault

Examples Dude, Mike’s car is off the hook. It’s a black Mercedes with leather interior and an awesome stereo.

Examples Nelly’s new CD is off the hook. You have to listen to it. Every song on there is good.

Examples This pizza is off the hook! It’s so good. We have to come back to this restaurant. I love this stuff.”

Examples My brother is a policeman. Even though you committed a crime, he may be able to get you off the hook.

Examples Men in Black 2 was off the hook. I really liked it. I want to see it again.

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4. Definition (expr.) get out of having responsibility for something

Examples I really want to go to the dance instead of babysitting tonight, and I need an excuse to let me off the hook.

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