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What does "legend" mean?

Vocabulary Word: legend

1. Definition (n.) an old story

Examples Many legends involve ghosts or dragons and some sort of magic.

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2. Definition (n.) legend (n.)
a person who does great things and inspires stories

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3. Definition (n.) a notable person; a one-of-a kind person

Examples Johnny Cash was a legend. No one has done country music like that since.

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4. Definition (n.) person who does great things and inspires stories; something that may or may not be true but is very famous

Examples Michael Jordan is a legend. He was the best basketball player ever.

Examples Michael Jordan is a legend. He was the best basketball player ever.

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For me, you are the legend.

01:58 PM Sep 05 2013 |

Sharing s Caring


I like the movie “Legends of the Fall” 1994
Susannah: Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it. I write it only for myself. And so I will hide it away along with all the things left unsaid and undone between us.

08:29 AM Jul 29 2013 |

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