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| 06:07 PM Aug 16 2019



The Catholic Worker Movement now made a flyer in which they heavily criticize the EPA-treaty – which is a treaty between the EU and Eastern African countries like the least developed countries of Tanzania, Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Dshibouti, Burundi, Eritrea, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia and many more. This contract makes Eastern Africa open up to imports from the EU. The problem is that the EU just has the technology to have a quicker and cheaper – more effective – production of goods. As a result many African producers would be threatened in their very subsistence and entire branches could be destroyed. In the end some might feel forced to flee the country to live as refugees somewhere else. Others – especially people from the agricultural sector – may abandon their former life and move to the city.
Maybe with a few changes…, but as for now this contract doesn’t give local African producers a chance. That’s why this Roman-Catholic movement encourages people to sign their offline petition against the EPA-treaty.

| 10:01 PM Mar 09 2019



‘Ugandas Wunderheiler: Wenn Kinder entführt und geopfert werden’ is the title of a documentary movie that aired this week on the TV-channel ‘WDR’. The title means ‘Uganda’s miracle healers: When children get abandoned and sacrificed’. The most shocking facts brought up in this documentary:
>In Uganda there actually are shamans who would kidnap (or order the kidnapping of) children in order to kill them and use body parts for some bizarre healing rituals. These shamans get paid for this by superstitious ‘customers’.
>Some shamans would trick very poor parents into ‘lending’ their own child for a ritual. These parents are promised money that the child would not get killed – both of which then turns out to be a lie.
>The police in this country is corrupt! If one of these shamans gives them enough money, they will just let the child-murderer go and if the relatives of the diseased child don’t give them some extra money, some police officers wouldn’t really dig into the case.
>Even tombs are raided by shamans. For example they once arrested a guy who carried a high number of immature skulls he was going to sell as medicine.
>Some children survive the ritual – for example if someone intervenes -, but will be crippled for the rest of their lives. In a country as poor as Uganda often these children then can’t even hope they’ll get supported by the state.

| 09:29 PM Dec 23 2018



The health-consultant Kristen Battistelli now publically spoke out her suspicion that drinking coffee in the morning may do you more harm than good – not talking about feeling guilty about supporting child labor in Uganda, Tanzania, the Ivory Coast, Kenya and many others. According to the episode ‘9 Dinge, die Du morgens falsch machst’ or ‘9 Things You Do Wrong In The Morning’ in English’ the human body spreads cortisole after waking up to make you feel awake. By drinking coffee you will interfere into this natural procedure thus confusing your body. The result will be tiredness and irritability in the early afternoon.

| 12:24 PM Mar 16 2018



The German monthly newspaper “Dein Spiegel” now wrote a column about an Ugandan boy who was saved thanks to a project provided by the University of Toronto, the Christian Blind Mission and the CoRSU Hospital in Uganda: You see, in Uganda many streets are without pavements or stop lights. Thus people are forced to walk on the road and the situation of car drivers is very chaotic. Many accidents happen and there are many casualties and people who will remain physically challenged for the rest of their lives. For example there is this boy of only 13 years who was hit by a truck on his way to school some time ago. The crash left him completely without leggs and whenever he had to go somewhere people had to carry him. Someday his family heard about the CoRSU Hospital and a project going on there. They heard about the University of Toronto and the Christian Blind Mission cooperating with this hospital making it possible for poor people in Uganda to receive donor-prothesis that – contrary to most prothesis you find in least developed countries – fit perfectly.
After receiving two legg prothesis the boy learned to walk again to bend his new leggs and meanwhile he can even run around like he used to.

| 08:37 AM Dec 28 2017



The tsetse fly is responsible for transmitting dangerous diseases like malaria. “Tierschutz Euskirchen” says that now an international team of scientists discovered that this fly avoids the smell of the waterbuck. Thus they created a parfum with this smell that at least worked in some tests.

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