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Life Talk!

octopus ancestor



for those of you who do not believe in science, please consult your relevant holy book for more information on the origin of the octopus. 

Otherwise, this story talks about a very interesting project, the marine census, that still leaves 95% of the world's oceans unexplored. 

Octopuses had Antarctic ancestor: marine census Sun Nov 9, 2008 5:29pm EST

By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent

OSLO (Reuters) – Many octopuses evolved from a common ancestor that lived off Antarctica more than 30 million years ago, according to a "Census of Marine Life" that is seeking to map the oceans from microbes to whales.

Researchers in 82 nations, whose 10-year study aims to help protect life in the seas, found a mysterious meeting place for white sharks in the eastern Pacific Ocean and algae thriving at 25 degrees Celsius (-13 Fahrenheit) in the Arctic.

"We are approaching a picture of the oceans … from micrcobes to whales," said Ron O'Dor, co-senior scientist of the census of the 2007-08 findings by up to 2,000 scientists.

The $650 million census is on track for completion in 2010, assessing about 230,000 known marine species, a statement said. It has identified 5,300 likely new species, of everything from fish or corals. So far, 110 have been confirmed as new.

Among the findings, genetic evidence showed that the tentacles of the octopus family pointed to an Antarctic ancestor for many deep sea species. A modern octopus called adelieledone in Antarctica seemed the closest relative of the original.

Octopuses apparently spread around the world after Antarctica became covered with a continent-wide ice sheet more than 30 million years ago, a shift that helped create oxygen-rich ocean currents flowing north, a report said.

"Isolated in new habitat conditions, many different species evolved; some octopuses, for example, losing their defensive ink sacs - pointless at perpetually dark depths," the census said.


more here


12:57 AM Nov 10 2008 |

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There is so much proof for evolution and people still don;t believe it!!!


Human and animal gene mapping has proved beyond doubt that we all evolved from the same single celled proto-organism


Evolutionary science has gone a long way sice darwin, Today new diseases can be predicted and cured. 



01:40 AM Nov 10 2008 |



Java, maybe if we can find it in the Q'uran and the Bible, we could convince a few billion people that way ;)

01:47 AM Nov 10 2008 |




Quran , Bible etc are book for people so that they can lead a better life.


People have to clearly distinguish between science and religion, Many of the Evolutinary scientists are Catholic Christian. They have learnt to distinguish between faith and science. 


There is a video in my profile on misconceptions of evolution.

01:56 AM Nov 10 2008 |




Yep , no individual thinking, just think from a book. May be this could be a evolutionary trait in the future(who knows).
It happened in later vedic age in india as well, all holy books were initially not even written down,then they started writing it in sanskrit which no one understood,and made fools out of people. Castism was part of this .
I wish all would have been written down properly. We could have got more info about what went on back then.(Veda were books of knowledge written by humans out of day to day observations and analysis. some thing like science and history encyclopedia of today.) Things like pythogrous theorem,aeronautics, heliocentric theory,big bang were well explained.but it got stuff like human evolution , horribally wrong. sadly, most of the work is forgoten, and neglected, buy indians and the world alike.

03:36 PM Nov 10 2008 |



Russian Federation

Levicantu, don't you know that pokemons evolved from octopus. It was recently proved by the latest scientists' research. They have the same ancestor – amoeba. 

07:50 PM Nov 11 2008 |



Mystery the forum post itself is borrowed from some other source, why don't you question him?


because that post WAS sourced. It's clear that the source is a wire report from Reuters, a byline is included, as well as a link to the original website where it was obtained. It was also made clear that they were not MY words. 


your reply __  not so much. 


For a website called allaboutscience.com  it seems to have an unhealthy obsession with just ONE science.


I'd like to answer your question about whether evolution is a "pure" science, but you need to define your terms, first. What is a "pure" science, and how does it differ from one that is not "pure". Examples of both would be helpful. 

12:02 PM Nov 13 2008 |