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Ask Ebaby! Teachers Go Super!

please clarify




north london – north of london – and north from london. 

can you explain the difference between the three?

basically i want to know if north of london means…north london…or north of london as in a certain city is north of london…..or would it be more appropiate to say north from london.

hope what im trying to ask is clear? :)

10:08 PM May 01 2009 |

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Teacher AmySuper Member!

United States

Hi! Thanks for your question. It's perfectly clear!

"North London" means the northern part of London.

"North of London" means a city, town, or area outside of London, to the north.

"North from London" is less commonly used. You might say this when giving directions, as in, "To reach the town, drive north from London for 30 minutes."

Hope that's clear, too!


10:14 PM May 01 2009 |