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Obama's Inauguration

Inauguration n.

a start or beginning; a ceremonial introduction to a position.


  • "The company held a meeting to inaugurate its new business plan."
  • "When the governor was inaugurated, he held his hand on the Bible and promised to serve honestly."

I think that when Obama takes office it will _________ my country.

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What do you think Obama's presidency will mean for you and your country?


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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

If a person support s.th or s.o he/she accepts that side! means both sides are the same & have the same idea !!!!
Barak Obama support Israel! he said we must secure protection of Israel, and u say again he is LOVELY??? if it is just for fun i laughed a lot!!!
the politic of USA wont change ever unless the politicians WANT TO CHANGE this hell they made in our WoRLD!!!
have u ever seen the ColOr of Peace in your life?????

01:27 AM Jan 29 2009 |



Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Ohhh my God!!!!!
see! friends here speak how as if suppose Obama is a saviour!!!!!
Sooo sillly!!! how u confident that speak about him like this:
I love Obama, God bless u,maybe u change our world,.....
how much other US presidents changed our world that he can change? and other question: we need to see US changes the World??
oh yes just end the wars and end economical crisis in world, which exactly it made in our world BY ITSELF!!!!!
US has to end of these dishonours!!
i`m completely sure that he does`nt change ANYTHING in the world!!!
if he was a good & peaceful man why he said: we have to secure protection of Israel?!!!!!
how u heard this and again be fan of this stupid man

01:17 AM Jan 29 2009 |




I’m very happy for Barack Obama is now president of the United States! He take to peace of world. My salute for him.

04:35 PM Jan 28 2009 |




Closing of the Guantanamo it’s only one of the lie words of the USA. Giving words it’s kind of breathing for politicians. So if the USA close this prison, it will only performance for the world. The USA never close it.

05:03 AM Jan 28 2009 |




Politics is thing, which you have to know the next 2 or 3 happenings. First of all think again: "Why the USA should do anything if there aren't benefits". You know Iran wants to make and use athom bombs. ANd what is the aim of Iran with this? Aim is to stay against Israel. In the middle of the 20-th century if you remember Israel won the war agaisnt Arab countries. It makes Israel to be hegenomus in the Middle east. And what do you think who helped for this to Israel? THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. BEcause USA can't come here openly. There was USSR. AND now Israel is managing the USA. SO the next position of the USA you can imagine. It's to be stable in AFghanistan and Iraq, also South ASia. 

04:55 AM Jan 28 2009 |

kyaw htay


Yes, I like him . He said all are equal.But i think he is`t bush.I hope he is not cover the israel and wrong country .I hope a good leader is not wrong way to go.How many people are different but they are humans.You see the people equally and kindly.I don`t need the war.I`m not happy so many people are dead in middle east.So many childrens are die in the compare power of the israel and harmas war.War is never to never change the hate.So mr,Obama is change the wanderful world.

03:25 PM Jan 26 2009 |



Obama is a great man, with Obama in the control, the external politics of the United States is going to change drastically.
º He’s going to close the prision in Guantánamo.
º He is going to remove troops in Iraque.
This attitudes are of someone who wants to change the dirty name that the United States acquired because of the disastrous mandate of George W. Bush
For africa Obama’s victory is well come, because he’ll help poor countries in Africa. And probably stop civil wars that are killing innocent people.
He’ll find ways to nagotiate with Israel and Palestine to stop fighting.

01:31 PM Jan 26 2009 |



ok i agree obama is not the enemy of muslims…but wht about those innocent pakistani children, women, men who have been killedin this bombing, attacks. God Save and bless them

10:34 AM Jan 26 2009 |




Rigt US bombed Pakistan but ı means the main target of the USA is not Pakistan Country it's taliban and the others. if taliban or Ql-Qaeda were in Eypt or İran US would attacked  there.  ı hope it wiil be clear

Altougt  America has never declared war on İslam, US has destoryed islam world for years. it's not necessary officall announcement this situation is unoffical. so ı said Obama is not enemy of İslam.

09:32 AM Jan 26 2009 |




happy new year

09:13 AM Jan 25 2009 |

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