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Ni hao




December 9, 2007


  This time i gonna be positive about the global economy, After all we have had a big growt the last years and the market has dubbled mny times, the most importnat thing is that Bush is taking mesures about the sub-prime problems!   Some good thing that i will list here

  China is taking harder messures at teh stockmarket

  The market have calmed down, so whe whont probly go trouh a big recesion

 Africa is growing alot and they have alot of intressting prospects,  jsut like Russia

 i hope this make you clam =)  don't whurry about the economy se you net time!


November 23, 2007


     Welcome behind the curtain,  the lack of guts have driven many hmans to a hell,  they can't talk to people they can't dream ,  and the people that do life in a false world where a smile means nothing,  where a laugh is just a fake.    lets face it,  to become who you are you must try the both sides,   im aomething betwin,  i love talk but not about shit thing.   but i need my alone time,   and im tired to just stand by and make a fake laugher,  i don't, i say important things . maybe not,    you se this time the blog is more personal and far ahed from economics,   but this is all about wall street,  if you whanna make the bucks,  you need to know what type of hman you are,  so oyu know how you can calm yourself.   this is it for now,  il get back into this subjeckt later.

 Greed will left you behind, Fear will let you alone.   never get emotional about a stock

November 22, 2007


     You have heard about it, it have been really common the last years.  Becouse of the low borowing rate in Japan and the hig Rates in USA, JP 0,5% US 5%.               but how does it work like?  you borrow money from Japan and you change the cureency to dollar and invest in rent papers,  then you invest the money in rent paper and benefit from the middle diferens.  That way you get a stedy return.   

But there is riskes to, the big risk is Curency change,   if the Yen get stronger , you may lose alot of money, but you can benefit to, if the dollar get stronger and yen get weeker  it have an ladder effect.  in order to use this trading method you need alot of money to make some gain, the ones that often does this is institutional investors and major big players on the world market

i don't recommend private investors to do this kinda strategies.   but if you live in Japan it's a good time to borrow some money an buy worldwide stock