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Chole's English Footprint...




July 11, 2009

I received a rejection letter from Canada yesterday, which means my dream about going to Canada was just a shadow in my mind. I almost burst into tears when I got the small envelope from my boyfriend, who is supposed to go for his PHD in Canada. Anyway, I shouldn't be so upset that let someone else worry about me all day. I have to be a little bit tougher, that sending at least an e-mail to explain my condition and determination and willingness to attend the program. Hope that I won't be ignored again from the administration officer. God bless me...Innocent 

July 9, 2009

Ok, I am back to Eng-Baby again. Because i think these days i'm totally rusty in study and life as well. The other day i checked a passage about a girl who decided to start a new life and gave a very appealing title called "A 30-day change challenge" on a forum. She 's been keeping record about her self-study in German and reading economy eassy everday. I think im gonna learn from her, the sprite and action!

Today, two of my friend are going to fly back to China. One of them has already got PHD offer and just back for vacation, but the other one will be back forever. Yeah, it's quite difficult to find a job here, especially without understanding local language. I hate this feeling when I stand in the crowd like a fool. So im thinking I might pick up my French again, yes again, i started to learn French three times, and ended up with giving up. Ohhhh, that's not a good thing. I downloaded a set of self-learning materials, which is pretty good.  I have to set up a plan and strictly follow it, and I believe that will be a succuss if I can hold it up! Go Go Go

06:35 PM Jul 23 2009

Viet Nam

Hi ! I think you are good at english ! Smile

May 26, 2009

OK, I have to admit I'm a super lazy girl. I haven't updated for a long time like thousand years. Anyway, I still pass and check out the latest lessons here. The most important thing now for me is the THESIS work, quite close up to finish, and I try to make it perfect with my 200% effort. Go for it!!!